Part 15: Permission

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(Time skip 4 months)
Damien's POV
Me and Y/n have been together for a little over a year and we have been stronger than ever. She was able to get through the rough times with me by her side and I wouldn't have it differently. I am head over heels in love with this woman. I cannot put into words exactly how I feel for her. She is the most unique, eccentric, and witty person I have ever met. Today I'm going to do it. It's just not the time, yet.

I can't describe how much of an amazing boyfriend Damien is. He has been there for me through thick and thin. I'm so happy to have him in my life.

I get up out of bed and the time is 10am, I then notice that Damien isn't here, but I see a note at the end of the bed. It says, "Good morning my love! I'm sorry that I'm not there to kiss you good morning but today I have some errands to run, so you can do whatever, and don't wait for me all day, go out and have some fun. I love you. ❤️-Damien"
"Aww" I say. He is so cute. I then call Boze and tell her to be at my place by 12 and that we are going to the mall. Afterwards, I get ready and put on a tiny bit of mascara and wear this.

When Boze gets here, I make sure I have everything and then we get into her car

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When Boze gets here, I make sure I have everything and then we get into her car.
"So Y/n, how's everything going with your man." Boze says while wiggling her eyebrows at me. "Really good, it's like I love him even more each day I'm with him." I respond. She smiles winks at me. "So how about you Boze, any new man in your life." I say to her and wink at her back. "Man I wish, just the same old losers." She replies. I then laugh, that is such a Boze thing to say.
We park the car and go inside the mall. "Where to first? Wait, never mind, let me guess. Hot topic?" I say rolling my eyes. "Girl, you know me so well, come on." Boze says dragging me by the wrist. I laugh all the way there. Today will be fun.

Damien's POV
Finally, he's here, god Joven takes forever to meet up. He's almost always late. "Hey Joven." I say as he walks up. "Hey buddy what's up?" He asks, probably referring to the reason I invited him to lunch. "Um, not much, I just have some stuff I want to talk to you about. But let's get our food first." I say, and he nods.
After we eat, and have small talk, "Ok I have to ask you something." I say, and start getting nervous. "Ok, what is it?" He says slowly, sensing my nervousness. I take a deep breathe. "I would like your blessing to marry Y/n" I say, and he just stares at me for a second and says, "Yes" But I didn't fully hear him and start rambling, "now I know we have only been together for a little bit over a year but I love her and- wait you said yes?" I stumble. "Yes" He says, smiling. I sigh in relief and stand up and hug Joven. "Thank you so much Joven, you don't know how much I love her." I say. "I can bet." He says through a smile. "I know just how I'll do it too...." I say, explaining the plan.

Y/n's POV
"Bye Boze today was fun!" I yell as I walk towards my building. "No problem girl" she replies and drives away. I walk inside my apartment and see Damien with a bottle of wine and spaghetti served on plates and he says, "Date night, for my queen." While bowing. I put my stuff down and curtsy. I then run into his arms and hug him tightly, breathing in his scent. He smells like clean clothes, a dash of cologne and something that just smells... like him. "I love you" He says. "I love you too." I reply. We then eat dinner and I tell him about my day and he sits there and listens to every word. God I fucking love this man.
After dinner we watch Rick and Morty and I fall asleep in his arms.

Damien's POV
I hear Y/n's breathing slow and I can tell she fell asleep. So I slowly pick her up and put her in bed. I then change and climb in with her. I cannot wait to marry this beautiful woman. I want to be with her for the rest of my life.

Hey guys!! Who's excited for the proposal?! Keep an eye out and make sure you read My Brother's Best Friend and maybe you can figure it out 👀. Thank you so much for reading my lovelies!! ⚠️

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