Aphrodite Cabin

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Interview #22 continue

Me: Why does it smell like perfume in here?

Camper 1: giggles* We are Aphrodite's children!! Duh!!!

Camper 2: Piper said you were here to talk about boys!!!

Me: Noooo.... I came to interview you!!

Camper 3: Are we super stars now?

Me: You wish!! This is for the Camp Half-Blood news column!!

Camper 3: Is your mom or dad the god/goddess of Newspapers cause of that's true, I am sorry....

Me: NO! Let's just start!

Camper 4(a guy):Man!!!!! I wanted us to talk about how awesome my sexy muscles are!

Me: *facepalm* Why are you all so alike to Aphrodite?

Camper2: SHES MY MOM DUH!!!!!

Me: Yeahhhhhh...... What's your fav makeup color?!?

Camper 5: Hmmmmmmm.... Pink!!!???

All Aphrodite Kids: PINK!!!!

Camper 4: MY MUSCLES!

Me: U guys are just like your mom...

Drew: It's great huh?!?

Me: I'll let u mental children believe that....

Camper 4: Ya know Love, war and my muscles aren't that different....

Me: I don't see were you are going with this...,

Camper 4: Get her ladies!!!! Give her the makeover of doom!!!!!!!!!


I'm interviewing Frank next!😋😆

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