Chapter Two

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Since the moment they threw me to the floor and slapped the cuffs on me, the two meatheads behind me didn't touch me again. They didn't need to. The high voltage cattle prods they both sported were enough to keep me and maybe Godzilla in line. I almost instantly regretted my decision of handing myself in when the flesh of my cheek was being grated against the gravel as meathead one pushed my face into the dirt while meathead two added the stainless steel bracelets. But when a redheaded vixen flashed through my thoughts, picturing her in my position now, I knew my rash actions was justified.

Just the thought of her being manhandled was enough to make Damian shake with rage. I could feel him preparing to fight for his girl and for his freedom.

Fighting back the urge, I kept myself pliant and followed their orders to the letter. I did not want the Damian side of me to break free at the first spark of the prod. Judging by the guns strapped to their belts we would be dead within seconds.

The meatheads led me through the chain link fence, the clang of the locking gate reverberating through my bones. "This is for Agnes" was the mantra playing on a loop in my head, the only thing keeping the Damian within me calm.

I could hear them making fun of my statement from when I'd handed myself in. They'd initially thought that I had been volunteering as a soldier, purely due to size of me. But were surprised by my claim that I was infected but am now cured had them believing I was insane. But they will soon see, I thought as they lead me through the main doors. And that is when they will become dangerous.


Hours had past since they'd escorted Blake inside. Ice ran up my spine at the thought of what they were doing to him. The street lights were either flickering on or the rolling blackouts were getting worse. I had spent the day staring at the gates and learning the guard rotation. Two on the ground by the gates, two in the tower and two lots of two patrolling the parameter. They were also switched out every two hours. A true ARC set up, so much so, I found myself humming the Two by Two children's song.

It may seem a little theatrical the way the rotation was set up, but it was fucking effective. It meant all access points were fully guarded at all times making the place impenetrable. My shoulders sagged at the realization that I wasn't going to be able to just sneak in under the cover of darkness and extract him before anyone was any wiser. I'd had it in my head that it was going to be an easy In and Out job, it was only a medical facility after all. But this place was guarded harder than a military base. I'd seen a few over the years to know this with confidence.

It all felt hopeless. After everything that we had been through over the years, this couldn't be how I was going to lose my oldest friend. We'd survived too much together for the end to be this easy.

My panic spiral was in full force, my head spinning with hundreds of failed scenarios of rescue attempts, when suddenly my focus became razor sharp. The sight of the little green pinto which held two very familiar figures pulling up around the corner from the facility was enough to clear my head and bring me back to the now.

"What the hell are they doing?!" I hissed aloud. It was the first time I'd muttered a word all day, but I wasn't worried about the guards hearing me, I was too far away and there were none of the infected around, they'd obviously cleared the area. No doubt using them as test subjects.

Incredulously, Connor and Agnes were actually getting out of the fucking car!

Seeing her still stole the breath from my lungs. From the first second I saw her, crouched down in that hallway frantically trying to grab the contents of her dropped box. I knew I would never be the same again or ever see anyone else in the same way. She was literally breathtaking and was just about to make a huge mistake. Just the thought of those guys handling her and Connor the way they had Blake made me feel sick. I couldn't let them do this. I would not lose everyone.

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