Miss Mystic Falls

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Stefan: I woke up this morning and I was feeling great and I figured it was time for me to get back in to things.

Elena: Does that mean you're okay, now, with all the cravings?

Stefan: Yeah. I mean, the worst part is over. So now, all I want to do is spend as much time with you as possible.

John: Meaning the vampire who stole the blood used mind control to hide the theft.

Damon: I know what she means.John: I think we'll make a good team. Don't you, Damon?

Damon: John, whatever I can do to help keep this town safe. Even if it means spending time with you.

Alaric: This week we're gonna set aside our regular curriculum for a lesson in local history, as we approach Founder's Day. Apparently, the community leaders feel that's more important than World War II. But, hey, what do I know?

Damon: You were playing house with half of a tomb of really pissed-off vampires. What did you think was going to happen?

Anna: My mom is devastated. They tried to overthrow her.

Damon: Why isn't she here, telling me this?

Anna: She doesn't really do apologies.

Damon: Well, that's a coincidence, 'cause I don't do forgiveness.Stefan: You're making small talk. Why?

Damon: You seem awfully chipper, lately. Less doom and gloom - a little more pep in your step...

Damon: Stefan, let's be serious for a second. You spent the last century and a half being a poster child for Prozac, and now you expect me to believe that this "new you" has nothing to do with human blood? Nothing?

Stefan: I'm clean.

Damon: You're lying!

Stefan: Believe what you want.

Damon: Well, well...he's a liar and a thief. So, when were you gonna share?

Stefan: Go ahead. Help yourself.

Damon: No, no, I'm talking about the fact that you're a closet blood junkie.

Damon: Just remember, we're trying to keep a low profile. Why don't you just walk up to Sheriff Forbes and ask her to tap a vein?

Stefan: Have my actions negatively impacted you? Whoo... I can't imagine what that must feel like.Damon: You've been off the human stuff for years, Stefan. If you're having trouble controlling...

Stefan: I'm not having any trouble.

Damon: Who do you think you're talking to? I know what it's like! That "Jekyll and Hyde' feeling... There's that switch - sometimes it goes off and you snap...Caroline: I'm on the M.F. beautification committee, I volunteer at the rec center soup kitchen...

Elena: I recognize that I haven't been as involved, this year, as I used to be...

Caroline: ...I implemented this year's Go Green campaign at school...

Elena: I've been distracted, and I let a lot of things slide...

A Girl: I don't think it's wrong for me to win two years in a row...

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