Blood Brothers

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Stefan: We don't have long.

Damon: (opens the door to the prisoner's cart) Katherine! Katherine?

(both brothers pull her out; Damon begins untying her)

Damon (to Katherine): We're gonna get you out of here.

Stefan: Damon, hurry. Hurry!(Damon is suddenly shot from behind)

Stefan: No! No...

Damon: (gasps weakly; dies)

Stefan: Damon-

(Stefan is shot)Elena: (referring to Stefan) It's so hard to see him locked up like this.

Damon: You're the one who locked him up.

Elena: You helped.

Damon: I couldn't have him running around chewing on people while the town was looking for vampires, now, could I?

Elena: It had nothing to do with you actually caring about him...

Damon: Your thing, not mine.Damon: So, you'll be here again tonight?

Elena: Is that a problem?

Damon: Yes. You're a complete nuisance.

Elena: What's his favorite type-- um...

Damon: Type of what?

Elena: Type of...animal blood that he prefers?

Damon: Ewww. Gross.

Elena: Your joking doesn't help.

Damon: It helps me.

Elena: (chuckles)

Damon: Hurry up, I can't babysit all night. I've things to do.

Elena: I would say "drop dead", but...

Damon: Ha-ha. Stefan likes...puppy blood. Little Golden Retriever puppies with cute, floppy ears. That's his favorite.

John: I know you know.

Elena: Know what?

John: It's really silly to keep pretending. What do you think your mother would say if she knew you were dating a vampire?

Elena: Which mother?


Damon: The sun hurts my eyes.

Stefan: That's part of it. The muscle aches, the sick feeling. Emily says it's our bodies pushing us to feed; to complete the transition.

Damon: That's not gonna happen.

Stefan: Is that your choice, then? To die, instead?

Damon: Isn't it yours? This was all to be with Katherine. She's gone. I want it over.

Anna: Your uncle John wants us dead.

Jeremy: Oh, you don't know that.

Anna: Yes, I do. He's a hater, Jeremy.

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