Under Control

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Damon: (shouting to be heard above the music) Could you turn it up a little bit? It's not annoying yet.

Stefan: Sorry.

Damon: When are you going back to school?

Stefan: Soon.

Damon: Oh, come on.(offers him glass of blood) Just drink, already. Come on. This self-detox is unnatural.

Stefan: Could you get that away from me, please?

Damon: How long did it take you to wean yourself off of it after you last "indulged"? (Stefan doesn't answer) That's not good.

Stefan: I'll be fine. It just takes a little bit of time.

Damon: I don't get it. You know you don't have to kill to survive. That's what blood banks are for. I haven't hunted a human in...God, way too long.

Stefan: Oh, I'm impressed.

Damon: It's completely self-serving - trying to get the town off the trail of vampires. Which is not very easy, considering there's an entire tomb of them running around.

Stefan: What are we planning on doing about that?

Damon: You're not gonna be doing much of anything if you don't have your strength. There's nothing wrong with partaking in a healthy diet of human blood from a blood bank. You're not actually killing anyone.

Stefan: I have my reasons.

Damon: Well, what are those holier than thou reasons, because, you know, we've never actually discussed that. You know, I'd love to hear this story.

Stefan: You're really enjoying this, aren't you? Just watching me struggle.

Damon: Very much so.

Stefan: I hate to break it to you, Damon, but I actually have it under complete control.

Damon: You do? Oh, well, then you should just carry on making the rest of us vampires look bad. Have a great day, Stef. (leaves the room, leaving his glass of blood on a side table; returns a moment later.) Oh, hey, almost forgot something. Oops.

John Gilbert: What's up with Jeremy?

Jenna: He just lost a friend, so try to be sensitive.

John: I'm always sensitive.

Jenna: Right. So, really, how long are you staying?

John: Can't you at least pretend that you're happy to see me?

Jenna: (acting perky and excited) Oh my god! John, it is so good to see you! How have you been? (drops the act) No, I can't.

John: Did you really think I was just gonna sign the escrow papers and send them back?

Jenna: Actually, I did.

John: I'm not gonna let you sell my brother's office.

Jenna: It's not up to you or me - it belongs to Jeremy and Elena.

John: They're minors, so I get the final say, being that I'm the estate's trustee.

Damon: He's a Gilbert?

Sheriff Forbes: Elena's uncle. His name is John, but I call him jackass.

John: The Gilberts have been a part of this town for 150 years. One of the founding families. Along with that distinction, comes certain obligations, including going to the party. One day, when you can appreciate the significance, I'll tell you all about your heritage.

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