History Repeating

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Damon: Rise and shine! You'll be late for school!

Stefan: What are you-- what are you doing?

Damon: Peace offering. (lifts a mug of coffee) C'mon, you need it for blood circulation. It does dead flesh good.(Stefan glares in silence)

Damon: Alright, I'm sorry.

Stefan: Step aside, please.

Damon: I got the town off our back. It was for the greater good - but I'm sorry! And to prove it, I'm not going to feed on a human. For at least a...week. I'll adopt the Stefan diet. Only nothing with feathers.

Stefan (mimicking Damon): Because I realize that killing your closest and oldest friend is beyond evil, and yet, somehow, it's worthy of humor.

Damon: Are you mimicking me?

Stefan: Yes, Stefan. Now that the secret society of vampire haters is off our back, I can go back to my routine of how can I destroy Stefan's life this week.

Damon (mimicking Stefan): And I can go back to sulking and Elena-longing and forehead-brooding. (in his own voice) This is fun, I like this.

Stefan (mimicking Damon): And I will finally reveal the ulterior motive behind my evil and diabolical return to Mystic Falls.

Damon: (pauses) Yeah, I'm done. (turns to leave)

Damon (mimicking Stefan): This is so like you, Damon - always have to have the last word.

Matt: Hey.

Caroline: Hey. What is that?

Matt: What is what?

Caroline: The "hey." That is twice. That is two heys. That's...do you have any other words in your vocabulary?

Matt: What's wrong with hey?

Caroline: It reeks of awkward subtext. You just spent the night in my bed. There was cuddling. Then you snuck out before dawn so you wouldn't have to face me. Which, I must say, is a total lame guy move. Which I did not appreciate. Now, with the heys? Seriously? I mean, I may have been some pathetic, insecure mess after the party, but do not mistake that for me being a pushover. Because I do not let guys mess with my head anymore.

Matt: I heard your mom in the morning. I didn't want to get you in trouble, so I went out the window.

Caroline: You went out the window? Well, another lame guy move.

Matt: Your mom's a sheriff. And as for the heys, I'm pretty sure it's what I've said to you every day since the first grade.

Caroline: Oh.

Matt: Trying to read something into it - lame girl move.

Elena: I'm sorry, Stefan. I thought that I couldn't be with you, but I can. You don't have to push me away. I can do this.

Stefan: I can't. I, uh, I have to leave, Elena. Too many people died. Too much has happened.

Elena: What? No, I know you think you're protecting me, but -

Stefan: Elena, I have to. Coming back was... It was a mistake. I can't be a part of your life anymore.

Elena: Don't go, Stefan. Please. You don't have to. This is your home, you just... Please don't go.

Stefan: (after kissing Elena's hand) Goodbye, Elena. (Turning his back and leaving, still in the woods)

Elena: You're just gonna walk away? Don't walk away, Stefan. Stefan!

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