Children the Damned

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(Stefan and Elena are in bed, cuddling)

Elena: (sighs) Good morning.

Stefan: I could get used to this...

Damon: Rise and shine, sleepyheads!

Stefan: What are you doing?!

Elena: Damon, please!

Damon: Oh, stop being smutty.

Stefan: Seriously, get out of here!

Damon: If I see something I haven't seen before, I'll throw a dollar at it.

Anna: Hey, it's me again. Anna. Stalker chick and fuzzball champion.

Damon: Is she hot?

Jeremy: Yeah, but she can be weird.

Damon: Hot trumps weird. Trust me.

Jenna: (about Damon) He is ridiculously hot.

Elena: Shh! He's an ass.

(from the couch, Damon rolls his eyes)Stefan: You met Damon.

Alaric: Who do you think killed my wife?

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