You're Undead to me

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Elena: Jenna, are you aware of what's going on upstairs?

Jenna: Uh huh...

Elena: have no objection?

Jenna: He could be craftier about it. At least make an effort to sneak her in and out.

Jenna: Have you called him?

Elena: Nope, not going to either.

Jenna: And you're okay with everything?

Elena: No, I'm not okay with any of it. I'm not gonna cry about it either. You know, I was going to write in my diary this morning and then I thought, what am I going to write? Honestly, I'm not gonna be one of those pathetic girls whose world stops spinning because of some guy.

Zach: You appear unannounced, reminding me that this isn't my house, that you're just permitting me to live here. Hell, that you're permitting me to live.

Damon: Someone had to mow the lawn.

Elena: I think there's something that he doesn't want me to know, which...makes me wanna know all the more.

Matt: Like what? Like that he's a serial killer and he keeps a clown suit in his trunk?

Stefan: Talk to who? I'm so sorry that I'm late.

Elena: What happened?

Stefan: I got held up.

Elena: Is everything okay?

Stefan: There's this thing with my uncle.

Elena: And you couldn't call and tell me you're going to be an hour late?

Stefan: I'm really sorry. It was unavoidable.

Elena: What was unavoidable? (Stefan looks down) Okay.

Stefan: No. Er. Elena, please.

Elena: No, Stefan, don't you get it? Every question gets a vague non-answer. What is so awful that you're afraid to tell me?

Stefan Hey, can I take you home? And, and we can talk about all this. Is that okay?Elena: Wait, what was that?

Stefan: I, I dunno. Nothing.

Elena: Right. Nothing. Okay, I gotta go, Stefan.Stefan: (to Elena) You wanna know me, right? Well, I figure if you're gonna dump me, you should at least...uhmm...know who you're dumping.Stefan: I do know that I did some things that..I'm not proud of. And my biggest not being able to make it right before she died.Stefan: You know what? I even like that one Miley song. Easy...

Elena: I didn't say anything.

Elena: Uhmm...I think that my paranoia has turned into full blown hallucinations.

Stefan: Part of your charm.

Logan: (to Elena) Hi...Elena, right? I think I met you once when you were nine.

Jenna: Your emotional maturity level when we were together.

Logan: Ouch! And here I thought we're making progress.Logan: Wait. One condition. Dinner, tonight, your house.

Jenna: Fine, but you're eating leftovers.

Logan: Oooh...Matt: (to Stefan) Hey...I'm not saying this for you, I'm saying it for her. But she's big on trust. So, whatever you're holding back from her, the more you try to hide it, the more she won't stop 'til she figures it out.Sheriff Forbes: Honey, are you okay? Anything you wanna talk about? Is it a boy thing?

Caroline: Mom, if I wanna talk boys, I'll call dad. At least he's successfully dating one.

Elena: Dear Diary, I'm not a believer. People are born, they grow old, and then they die. That's the world we live in. There's no magic, no mysticism, no immortality. There is nothing that defies rational thought. It's not possible. I'm not a believer, I can't be. But how can I deny what's right in front of me? Someone who never grows old...never gets hurt...someone who changes in ways that can't be explained. Girls bitten...bodies drained of blood...Elena: (to Stefan) What are you?

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