Chapter 9: Thoughts for Thoughts

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Well Hello everyone! I'm back with the second last chapter of this story and yes, the last chapter's cliffhanger was serious wasn't it? Haha
Please enjoy this chapter!


All red.

Sarada blinked heavily but the red was still not going away. The warm blood trickled down her face and she felt her senses go haywire. Her sharingan registered the katana at a mere inch from her. It took her a moment to realise that there was no pain. The blood was not hers.  

It belonged to the hand which had grasped the sword tightly, preventing it from slicing off her side. She quivered. Her mouth opened in a silent scream as her eyes traced the hand back to its owner.


Boruto stood there beside her, hand outstretched, holding the sword as if his life depended on it and blood dripped down off from it, staining the earth below. She could not see his face due to the shadows that his bangs cast over his eyes. And then her eyes fell on the perpetrator. The guy looked horrified, maybe shaken up by the fact that he had almost killed someone.

He wheezed out as his hand let go of sword, stumbling back. Boruto's hand slowly uncurled around it and the blood soiled weapon clattered on the floor.


Sarada was surprised. The voice in which he uttered out those words was way too cold to belong to a boy who personified the sunshine itself. She shuddered. In midst of her gaze of terror, she didn't even realise when the restraints of water whip on her body dissolved into nothing but a puddle beneath her feet.

The men scrambled away in haste, grabbing their fallen comrades and too scared to do anything else. Sarada still stood stunned, slowly coming to her senses. The first thing she did was checking upon the injuries of the civilian child, making sure that there were no life threatening blows. He looked traumatized and she was not surprised about that. It was quite rare for a civilian child of that age to have seen so much violence.

After a few minutes, she saw a squad of officers rushing in, she deduced that someone must have informed the police after seeing the chaos. They retrieved the child and promised her that they'd deliver the kid safely to his guardians. When asked about the injuries that she and Boruto sustained, Sarada convinced them that she would let her mother check upon both of them. Of course, Sakura Uchiha was famous for her grand feats in the field of medical ninjutsu. So they didn't argue.

Boruto was still standing there frozen. His hand was still dripping blood. Now that the shock of the fiasco had worn off, she found herself remembering all the reasons she had been angry about. In few swift moves she was right in front of him, pulled out her clean handkerchief and wrapped it around his wound in a fast and efficient manner. He looked surprised, his blue eyes showing inquisitiveness. But she didn't answer him and grasping his undamaged arm, she dragged him with her. Because the wound seemed a little deep, given that he had bare handedly stopped the katana from slicing her. And it definitely needed a proper treatment, or at least an appropriate first aid.

He didn't resist her at all. And she too, didn't dare to look back. The tension between them was palpable, so suffocating that Sarada wanted nothing more than for it to dissolve into nothingness. But she was also aware of the momentousness of the situation.

They needed to have this talk.

Now or Never.

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