Chapter 3 : Forgiving is hard

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Hello everyone! I'm back with the next chapter of 'Is she beautiful?' 

Hope you like it!

"Hey! Hey! Boruto-kun! You have known Sarada-san for the longest time, right?"
", what about it?"
"Do you think too that she has gotten even more beautiful than before?"

And thanks to the above question Boruto finds himself in a troublesome predicament. What will he do in such a situation when Sarada isn't even talking to him? Borusara!

Disclaimer: Naruto and it's characters do not belong to me.


Forgiving is hard


Her mother's soft voice floated through the closed door, sounding muffled.

"Go away, Mama!"

She buried her face deeper into the pillow trying to choke back her sobs.

"No honey. I'm coming in."

The sound of the door opening and light footsteps approaching made her tense. But then, the loving pats on her head and the comforting presence and warmth of her mother calmed her down slightly. Sakura did not say anything. Knowing Sarada, trying to coax out a talk is not going to work. She knew that by now. Her daughter will not talk unless she is ready.

No words were exchanged before Sarada whispered in a broken voice, "Why did Papa say that? Does Papa think that bad of me?"

Sakura felt her heart crack at this.

No he doesn't. If anything, he considers you to be the purest form of life in the entire messed up world he has lived in. It's just that he's too scared to imagine you making the same mistakes as him. He is scared to think the possibility of you getting so engrossed in your goals that you would voluntarily choose loneliness. But you, my are not the one at fault here. He is. You're not him. He's just being paranoid.

There is so much Sakura wanted to tell her but she decided to refrain, because explaining the complications of Sasuke Uchiha's life would require her daughter to be slightly older and a bit more mature, and not to mention, a bit more closer to her father. So, she tried to explain things as consisely as possible.

"Of course not silly. Papa would never think badly of you. It's just that Sasuke-kun has never been a people's person and has a hard time dealing with his feelings. And the other thing is that, I'll be honest, he does not know you that well. He has been gone for far too long and is not sure how to behave around you and talk about your issues. He is awkward, I guess? And he is learning to how to be a father to you, so might make mistakes every now and then. I'm not asking you to forgive him, Sarada, I just need you to talk to him and tell him what you have in your heart. Will you do that, for Mama?"

Sarada nodded softly, her face still in the pillow, but after a while, got up, wiped her tears, removed her glasses, washed her face and put them back on. Sakura almost laughed at the look of pure determination on her daughter's face.

It looks like you are heading out to face a battle, sweetie. Well, maybe it is, for you and your father. Don't fail. Good luck, Sarada and Sasuke-kun.

Sakura watched her daughter's back and wondered about the irony that despite wanting the best for their children, sometimes, parents do or say things that instead ends up in an opposite and disastrous way.

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