Chapter 31: Warhol (Conclusion)

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As I stood before my family, some Soldiers came to Palaye Royale's side to defend them and make sure they didn't get hurt. My parents looked at me appalled, and my sisters tried to act all high-and-mighty like they usually do. My friends stood close to me, and Henry held my hand to help me feel secure. "Lieseil, darling," my mother spoke like they hadn't done anything wrong. "Where have you been all this time? Who are all these people around you? And why is that lowly boy holding your hand?" I turned to everyone around me, and saw Henry looking down with shame in his eyes. I turned back to my parents, and stepped closer bringing Henry with me. "First of all, Priscilla, you will never talk to the kings like that ever again unless you want your dumbass beaten to a pulp." The Soldiers close to the boys all glared at her, while the boys smiled and admired my defense and their protective position.

I continued, "Second, I've been staying here in The Void, where I've been living happily and independently with a group of kind and beautiful people that treated me more like a part of a family more than I ever had living with you. These people behind me are the Soldiers of the Royal Council, who spread love and positivity in this place, and the boys you see before you are the kings of the kingdom who rule with their mother, they are also known as Palaye Royale. They are musicians who make such beautiful music, and inspire all of us to be creative and kind with each other, and they brought me into their family without a trace of doubt. I've made friends here who accept me for who I am and treat me like a human being. I also found someone who loves me entirely and would never leave me to feel alone," I said holding Henry's hand tighter, while he smiled like a lovesick puppy. "I couldn't stay anymore with you, because you would never let me be my own person, and I would end up just another puppet devoid of any emotion. But, after coming here, I've learned so much and realized what my purpose in life is. It's not to marry someone I don't love or fake my way to a privileged life. It's to treat everyone with kindness and do what makes me happy, with people I love and who love me back."

I paused for a moment to see my parent's reaction, then finished with, "I'm sorry I had to leave this way, but there are two ways I will keep my happiness. One is if you let me go and let me live my life independently, or two is if you refuse, I have people here who will fight with me to stay here if it means I'll be happy." After about a minute, my father started to argue, "I'm sorry, Lieseil, but we're your parents and we know what's best for you." I argued back, "If you knew what was best for me. you wouldn't have arranged a marriage for me or try to control my life like I'm some prisoner." He was about to speak again when Madeline, my eldest sister, interrupted him. "You know what, father? It isn't worth trying to bring her back against her will." I was dumbfounded at that moment. Was my sister defending me? After always being against me? She kept going, "I understand you want her to have a charmed life, but I would hate for her to be unhappy and hate us for it. I almost did. I regret not being a better example of a sister to Lieseil, maybe then she wouldn't have felt so lonely." I started to feel pity for her, which was strange to me, but I wasn't evil.

"If you want to make an excuse, you can say she got engaged to some prince or something, but I'd rather here stay here where she can breathe then live with us where she may suffocate. If you decide to disown me, that's fine. But I stand by my affirmation that we should let her choose where she wants to be. It's the most I can do for failing her as a sister." My family stared at her, as did I to her unbelievable speech. I started to become scared my family wouldn't change their mind, even after hearing their first daughter stand up for her youngest sister. I shut my eyes ready to take the word. Finally I heard, "Okay, Lieseil. You deserve to live the rest of your life somewhere you belong. Even if it isn't with us." I opened my eyes to my mother's words, and it felt like a heavy load was carried off my back. Must have been why tears wouldn't stop streaming down my face. "We're so sorry we couldn't make you happy, Lieseil. But I hope we can make it up to you by letting you make your own choices now."

I stood there for a moment, in disbelief of what was happening. My family is, after all this time, finally giving me the power to choose what I want. It was in that moment that, for the first time, I held admiration for my family. I walked over to my mother, and hugged her like I never did. She hugged me back, and the rest of my family joined in. The one time I felt love for my family was when they agreed to let me go to be somewhere I can be happy. I couldn't ask for anything more from them. Then, my father faced me and told me, "one favor I ask of you is no matter where you are, you let us know you are happy and are not alone." I nodded to him, still crying tears of joy. I said to my sisters, "make our parents proud, and remember you get to choose your happiness. Okay?" They promised me and gave me warm smiles. Then, my parents turned to the boys and said to them, "promise you'll make sure she isn't alone and always has a smile on her face." The boys smiled their beautiful smiles and reassured them that I'll always have a special place in The Void, and I am a part of the Palaye Royale family as much as they are.

Before my family left, Priscilla turned to the boys and said with a guilty tone, "I'm sorry for being like what Lieseil said: a dumb bitch. Can you forgive me?" Emerson smiled and responded, "we could never hate any Soldier's family members. We love you as much as we love them." That made my sister blush like I've never seen her do with boys who tried to impress her. I waved my parents goodbye as they left The Void and made their way back home. Then, all of a sudden, everyone started cheering and saying how they were so glad I got to stay and how they were proud of me for standing up for myself and my new family. My friends all hugged me tightly and cried on my shoulder. A Soldier named Robyn and one called Artsy Chaos referred to my actions as cute and edgy, or as they like to call it, "cudgy". I literally didn't know how to feel about that, but I thanked them for being so sweet and loyal. Then, Henry picked me up and spun me around like a princess. I rested my head on his and stared deeply into his eyes. Then, he started crying too. "What's wrong?", I asked. He responded, "I was so afraid of losing the only girl I ever loved." That made blush redder than I ever did. "I believed I wasn't meant to find love again, but I was wrong in the best way possible. I'm so grateful I bumped into you that day. I've loved you ever since that moment." I let my tears fall as I replied, "As did I." He smiled at me, and I leaned in to kiss him. He still had me lifted off of the ground with his arms around my back, and I laid an arm on his shoulders while I ran my hand through his hair. It was in that moment I believed I created my own heaven on Earth for me and Henry.


💗💗💗 AAAAHHHH!!! I've never been so grateful to share something so near and dear to my heart ever since I joined this beautiful fandom. I hope you all enjoyed this beautiful story and that you'll be able to share it with people who you believe might enjoy the story as well. I love every single Soldier of the Royal Council and like what Emerson always says, "you were put on Earth to create heaven." 😙💕💕💕 (Turn the page for more...)

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