Chapter 9: Primary Propaganda

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I was able to ease up a little after I was taken aback by how kind the queen was to me. Anyone I usually meet of higher status usually pretended to like me for something they wanted, but there was nothing like that in this kind woman's words when she spoke to me and of her sons. I looked up again when the pirate spoke to me.

"We're so happy to meet you. Where did you come from?" I got nervous as I tried to forget where I came from, but I knew they wouldn't use it against me. I built up courage as I responded back "I came from a town called Selcouth, where I grew up and lived in all my life." I hoped they wouldn't ask the question, but it was inevitable. The gentleman asked, "Interesting, why did you leave?" I wasn't sure if I should respond honestly because I started to realize it was a selfish motive. But then, I remembered why I had to leave. With my head held up high, I replied with confidence. "I left in hopes that I would find a better place where I could be free and be able to live a life of independence and acceptance. I never knew I would end up in a place like this, and everyone here so far seems kind and genuine and when I met you, you reassured me that I think I found where I belong."

They all looked at each other, then looked at me. It felt like my heart was going to burst out of my chest from being so afraid they may not accept me after all. I even looked back at Henry who nodded at me reassuringly, helping me feel a little better. Then, after the longest minute of my life, the vampire got up, started walking toward me, and unexpectedly, hugged me tightly. I wasn't sure what to do until he said, "We're so happy to have you a part of our beautiful family." I then hugged him back, and his brothers and mother joined in.

I never in my entire life felt this much love and acceptance. I had tears streaming down my face as I realized I really have found the family I was longing for all my life. My God, they give really good hugs, I couldn't stop crying. After probably the greatest 2 minutes of my life, they finally let go and I wiped away the tear stains I had left on my face. "I'm sorry, I didn't expect so much kindness from you, so forgive me for being emotional", I said with a shakey voice. Queen Stephanie laid her hand on my shoulder and reassured me, "Don't ever apologize for being emotional when it comes to people who care about you." She then took her hands to my face and made me look in her eyes. "We're always so grateful to meet new people who want to be loved and accepted and just be themselves.

"We promise that we and the Royal Council will be a safe place for you to express yourself and will never leave you feeling abandoned", she concluded with a smile. I smiled back and thanked her and her sons for making me feel so welcome. They then led me to their tower with a high view that overlooked the kingdom.

Henry followed behind us, and he was smiling at me too. His smile made me feel warm inside, in a different way. I smiled back briefly, then looked away (my face feeling slightly warm). Then Sebastian spoke up at the crowd with a loud voice. "Soldiers, we want to introduce you to a new member of our beautiful Royal Council! Please welcome, Lieseil!" He said as they presented me. Everyone looking up at us waved at me with huge grins on their faces, screaming hello and making me feel so welcome. I had the biggest smile on my face as I blushed largely and waved back.

"To welcome her properly into the family, we're going to celebrate with a concert tonight!", Sebastian proudly declared. Then everyone went crazy. Their screams seemed to echo across the kingdom and beyond. Emerson whispered in my ear, "we forgot to mention, we're also musicians", he said with a wink. I never felt this happy in all my life. The voice inside of me overcame the loud noises and whispered to me, "you've finally found where you belong."

*GASP* WHAT AN EMOTIONAL ROLLER COASTER! Writing the part where the boys and Momma hugged her literally almost had me in tears. Which is weird because I've never met them in person, but everyone says they give great hugs, and it just sounds like something nice to experience. Anyway, thanks for so many reads and votes, and I hope we will continue to support the boys and each other during this period of hate and negativity. 💖💖💖

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