Chapter 6: Cementaries No. 02 (Dreams Of Lieseil)

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It's been about another hour, I think, since I said goodbye to Martha. I didn't want her to die trying to help me escape. She didn't deserve that. I hope that wherever she ends up, she'll find a home where others like her accept her and she'll be happy.

It was hard to try to think of this because the limp from when I fell earlier felt like it was getting worse. I was afraid to stop because I was afraid I would be found and brought back for good. I figure I would keep going until I felt tired or needed to eat.

Walking through the forest, it made me feel a million emotions. Scared, lonely, confused, angry, liberated, etc. But then after feeling everything at once, one feeling remained from being isolated: peaceful. I was able to discover things about myself when there were no distractions around me to interrupt my thinking.

I was amazed at how despite the many influences of my facade lifestyle, I didn't turn out like everyone else in my hometown. I could have easily become false and careless, and turned out to be shallow and heartless like my sisters. But, for some strange reason, I didn't.

Maybe it was because Alex reminded me that there are good people like her, but I was okay that I am the outcast where I was. Maybe the voice inside of me was trying to tell me something long before, but I was unaware of it before now. I guess it was just waiting for the right time to reveal itself at the most crucial moment in my life when I needed to know that I had a choice to settle for more than what I have. I'm so grateful that I was able to hear it now, loud a d clear.

Then, my mind drifted to that boy I bumped into at the town square, and the X on his hand. Was that real or was I just seeing things I wanted to see? The way he looked at me made me believe it might have been real. Possibly unreal, but it felt like when we locked eyes for a quick moment, I felt some kind of connection to him, like we shared something special that might have something to do with the X's on our hands. I wanted to ask him questions, but he left before I had the chance.

My thoughts were finally interrupted when I started tumbling down a steep  valley and everything felt like it was moving too fast for me to comprehend. When I finally stopped, my body felt too out of place for me to move and my head was spinning too fast. Before I knew it, I passed out on the soft, cool grass.

The last thing I remember before knocking out was the strange sound of footsteps getting closer and closer, and the sensation of being lifted up from the ground.

Thank you for over 80 reads and I don't know how many votes. I'm so happy people are enjoying this story so far. I'm sorry about any recent negativity toward the Royal Council. Things like that that happen is one of the main reasons why I'm writing this fanfic. So, soldiers will be reminded of what the Royal Council is supposed to be like in times of hate and negativity. I love you all and in the words of Emerson Barrett, "You were put on Earth to create heaven." 💖💖💖

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