Chapter 19: Die For Something Beautiful

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Trigger warning: this chapter deals with death, so if this is sensitive to you, you should probably skip ahead to the next chapter. When you see the ***, that's where the triggering part starts. Other than that, please enjoy the rest of the story.

After making my key into a necklace, I spent my days listening to Palaye Royale on my record player. I've memorized almost all the songs, and even created art pieces inspired by the songs and what they mean to me. A few that stood out to me were Clockwork, the way it builds up and Rem's vocals gives me chills. Warhol, because it defines what my mind was going through when I came to this place. And, to my surprise, Mrs. Infamous. I never believed there would be a song titled after my nickname in school, but the way they use it in this song makes me proud of it.

As I was drawing in the gardens of the castle, two Soldiers who were twin sisters came up to me and said hi to me. "I'm Sam, and this is my twin sister, Chris. We wanted to welcome you into the Royal Council." I smiled back and then Chris spoke, "Do you like music?" I responded, "yes." "Do you like to play music?" I thought about it before speaking again. "Actually, I don't think so, or maybe I don't remember." They looked at me shocked. "What?" "Why not?" I looked down before I answered, "where I came from, I got piano lessons, but only for status and not enjoyment. My instructors never liked me and didn't give me much motivation to actually like it. And its been so long, I might have forgotten after my parents gave up on me learning piano." They looked at each other then me, and smiled. "We just might make you enjoy it again", Sam remarked. "Come with us", Chris said as she took my hand and led me to where they were going.

They took me to some kind of music hall, and there were a bunch of pianos with Soldiers playing on them and creating sounds with them. Then, I saw in the corner of my eye, Remington playing on a grand piano, looking like his mind was in another universe as he created the sounds. Then, Sam and Chris led me to him to my surprise, and Remington turned his attention to us. "Hey, Sam. Chris. Lieseil. How ya doing?" I was still so shy after meeting him formally. Sam spoke for me, "We were thinking it might be an awesome idea if you give Lieseil some piano lessons because she needs to learn the joys of making music." His expression was not what I expected, excited and genuinely happy. "Sure, what an awesome idea", he replied. "I'll start you off by teaching you one of our songs that we've been working on, but is a personal favorite of mine." After that, the twins left and waved bye and wished me good luck. I was honestly nervous as all hell, but I reminded myself these guys wouldn't hurt me, so I took a deep breath and was ready.

The lesson felt like it took forever, probably because I was out of practice. But Remington was so patient and took time to show me all the keys and where I was supposed to put my fingers to make a certain note. First, I learned the keys, then which lyrics belonged to which keys and when he believed I was ready, he let me play the song while he sang the lyrics. I played the opening melody and he started singing.

I feel it running through my head
I cannot hear a word you said
These sleepless voices in my brain
I feel it rushing through my veins
My heart is beating out my chest
I cannot hurt this way again
This is all I gave to you
Do you know what you put me through?

I know when I die, I'll be wasted
So sweet, so nice
And every time I'm faded
You're on my mind
When I am medicated
You're on my mind
When I am wasted
When I am wasted
When I am wasted
When I am wasted

The entire room fell silent as he sang out the last lyric and I finished the last note, half shaking. I was in disbelief at how almost perfect it was, and how good Remington made it sound with his voice. Everyone applauded and gave praise to me and Remington, and I never felt more proud for something I wasn't expecting to be good at. I was so happy, I hugged Remington and thanked him for helping me enjoy music again. He hugged me back, and whispered, "you're not finished yet." I looked back at him questioningly.

It was revealed I would also get guitar lessons from Sebastian, which was unexpected to me, because I've never seen a guitar in my life. So, this might be a bigger challenge. Thankfully, I was apparently left-handed like Sebastian, so it made it easier. He taught me the strings and each and how to position my fingers to make each note I wanted. After another excruciating couple of hours, I was able to play Rag Doll on the guitar. He was so patient and kept teasing me, but like in a fun, lovable brother way. Just when I thought music wouldn't be something I enjoy doing, these lovable brothers sparked a love I didn't realize I had inside of me. My thoughts were interrupted when Sebastian embraced me for a hug and congratulated me.


The next day I wanted to find Sam and Chris and thank them for helping me enjoy playing music again, but when I asked where they were, I was told that they passed away in their sleep last night. I didn't move or say anything, because I didn't believe it. I just met them yesterday, and they're just gone like that? It just didn't feel real to me. Not long after though, the Royale Council held a small funeral outside the Void and after saying our goodbyes and eulogies, the boys sang a gentle version of Ma Cherie while me and a bunch of other Soldiers laid roses on the twins graves. The boys closed the service stating that the twins were at peace now, and reside in Void 747.

When the service was over, we went back to our rooms, and I still didn't understand what just happened. Nothing felt real, and I wasn't sure of how I was feeling until I got a knock on my door, and saw my friends at my door. I let them in, and then Jade asked if I was okay, and that's when I finally broke down in tears. I became too weak to stand, and I ended up kneeling on the ground as I let out all my emotions at once. The girls all held me tight, and Henry left Die For Something Beautiful playing on the record player before joining us. I found a bit of energy to speak between my tears, "I don't understand why I'm so sad about this. I only know them for less than a day, but they did more for me than most people in my life did in a lifetime." Henry sought my attention and said looking into my eyes, "they were part of our loving family, and when a family member is gone forever, it's like a part of us went with them. But you should know that family stay in our hearts even if they're not with us anymore." As the song finished out, I found a little more energy to smile at my friends and tell them, "I love you guys so much." Then, we just lay there in each other's arm, letting the sounds of Palaye Royale lull us to sleep.

I'M SO SORRY! If this chapter affected any of you personally, I deeply apologize. I just wanted to pay a tribute to the beautiful Soldiers, Sam and Chris, who are no longer with us anymore, but deserve to be remembered for being part of a beautiful family. Rest In Peace, Sam and Chris. Love The Void. My thoughts and prayers go to them and their family in this time of grief. 🌹🌹🌹

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