Chapter 21: Teenage Heartbreak Queen

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I think I may have come down with an obsession with Royal Television. The episodes are all so funny, and I was given my own projector so I can watch any episode whenever I want to in my room. I love the boys more with every moment as they revealed their personal side, which was attractive and endearing. This one Soldier, called MemesRoyal, makes me enjoy the series more by making funny jokes in the Royal Times, and creating challenges that we can all interact with each other and have fun with. She's honestly one of the sweetest Soldiers I've ever known, and knows how to bring people together.

As I was reading the Royal Times in the Crystallized Staircase, Henry joined me and was reading an Alan Watts book. Wee were silent for a while until he turned a page and something slipped out. I reached to grab it, and it turned out to be a photo of a girl I've never met before. She was pretty and looked young. I was about to ask when Henry snatched the photo out of my hands and put it back in his book, looking away from my face. What was the big deal? Did he know this girl? "Please don't ask. She's no one important", he told me as if he knew what I was thinking. I knew that was a lie, so I replied back with one eyebrow raised, "if she's no one important, why is she in your book?" He finally looked back at me, and I kinda regretted saying that. The look in his eye was hurt and damaged, and I hoped he didn't get too offended. After what seemed like forever, he spoke again apprehensively. "Okay, well, it's only fair I tell you my story since you told me yours. I just hope you won't judge me as well." I took his hand and reassured him, "I would never judge you for something in your past that doesn't define you now." His expression eased a little and he took a breath before speaking.

"When I was a little boy, I met this one girl named Scarlett who was the only one in my neighborhood who didn't treat me like a sissy like all the other kids. She knew what it was to be seen as weak simply because we wanted to be kind instead of mean. Anytime one of us got in trouble, we'd have each other's back however we could. We went through everything together and we promised nothing would ever change our friendship. As we got older, Scarlett started to look different to me, more attractive and beautiful. I started to realize I was in love with her, and wanted her to be more than my friend. When I finally built up enough courage to tell her about my feelings, she declared that she had feelings for another boy. I was devasted, because I didn't want to break her heart. I let her go with him to see if he made her happy. When I learned he wasn't faithful to her, I confronted her about him and told her I loved her and wouldn't do that to her. But, to my surprise, she wanted to stay with him and rejected my feelings. She didn't want to lose the only guy that ever treated her like a lady over someone with a case of puppy love. I didn't understand why she wouldn't see how well I could have treated her, and she didn't talk to me after that. "

"I felt like I lost the only person that understood me and made me happy. I made myself believe it was going to be temporary and she'd realize I would be a better man for her. That is, until I heard she got engaged to the son of a bitch." He paused, it seemed, to hold back tears. I couldn't help but want to hold him and let him know he has someone who cares about him. He continued, "after hearing that, I realized no one wants a good person and if that was true, I had no reason to stay in a place full of jerks and dishonest people. So, I went in hopes of finding someplace where I can find other people who were kind and genuine like me. I found this place and never felt so welcomed. The kings and queen didn't have an evil bone in their body, and all the Soldiers helped restore my faith that there are good people and not everyone was evil."

He looked sad and looked down to the floor, not say in anything else. I started to feel guilty for asking him now, I didn't think it would be this messed up. What a selfish bitch Scarlett was for not realizing what a great guy Henry is. Why couldn't she see how sweet and generous he is and that he would never hurt someone he cared about? The only thing I could think of doing was lifting his head by his chin so he looked right in my eyes. "I'm so sorry you lost someone you cared for with all your heart. I can't imagine what it must feel like to lose someone who means so much to you abandon you without any reason. I just hope you know I would never take you for granted and I can see you for your heart and kind soul", I said to him as I teared up a little at the thought of his heartbreak. He stared at me intently, making me a little nervous. I started freaking out as he slowly started leaning in to my face, and as he got closer, I closed my eyes and just waited.

We both jumped when an excited Soldier came in and shouted, "YOU GUYS! THE INTERVIEW QUEEN IS HERE TO MEET WITH PALAYE ROYALE!!!" Everyone got up and left the infirmary, while me and Henry kind of sat there, feeling awkward. He finally broke the silence, "we should go check it out. She's really cool and it's always awesome when she talks to the boys." I nodded and sort of smiled, then we walked to where everyone else was headed. The boys were apparently seated with the Interview Queen named Alicia, and they were talking and she was asking them questions, and she was so chill with them, and it was so amusing seeing her let them be themselves. She was like their sister to me, and I loved her for making them happy. The rest of the day, I played the scene head over and over in my head when Henry almost kissed me, and I wasn't sure how I was feeling. All I could remember was the look in his eyes that made me feel like I was the only person in his sight and no one else mattered. The thought almost kept me up all night.

😳😳😳 Well! Things got a little awkward, didn't they? Poor little Henry got his heart broken by a classic Teenage Heartbreak Queen. 😢 Maybe there's some hope of live for our two main characters in this story. Who knows? Stay tuned... 😉😊💞

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