Chapter 2- My strength!

Start from the beginning

"Fire Dragon Wing Attack! " I yelled.

The attack hit her and she was sent back a bit, but that didn't seem to do much at all.

She changed again....

She changed again

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"Aquarius Form!"

She jumped and she was over me

"Aqua Metria!"

It Hit me so hard...






Lucy's P.O.V:

After I hit Natsu, he laid on the Guild Hall floor. I felt good and bad at the same. I managed to knock down  the, "Great" Salamander, but at the same time i felt guilty. That's when Lisanna stomped over with tears in her eyes.

"You BIMBO!" she screamed.

"Lisanna, your breath stinks! Get out my face!"

"You didn't have to go that far!" 

"I thought you said I was weak?"

"You still are!" She screamed.

What the fuck is this bitch talking about? Did she not see me the shit out of her little 'boyfriend'?

"Tsk, I doubt he is seriously injured. He always gets up"

Suddenly the pink haired idiot got up, not surprisingly...

"I'm fine Lisanna!" he said rather tired.

He looked at me

"I guess you're not as weak as I though"

"Tsk, I was never weak! Just cause you're stronger than someone doesn't mean they are the weakest!"

Just then, My eyes went dull, and I felt a large surge of magic power flow out of me. Maybe I over did it...

Natsu's P.O.V:

As Lucy was talking, her eyes went dull and a gold light was coming out from her. Her body was falling to the ground. It looked like she was about to attack me but she just fell to the ground unconscious. Wendy ran to her and started to heal her. I saw Happy beside her crying and worried. I still wonder why he sides with her.

"Happy, why are you on her side?! I'm the one who raised you!"

He looked at me with a vicious glare and said, "Lucy's Dad raised her but she still sided with this Shady guild!"

I was shocked by his words.

"I don't care if you don't like her but Lucy is my best friend and I will stay by her side no matter what!" he sniffled. 

Ice Princess and Metal Head took Lucy to the infirmary, and I was stuck with an angry Erza, A Vicious Juvia, and a Pissed levy. Wendy looked to scared to intervene, But I could see she really wanted to.

"I'm Really disappointed in how you have treated Lucy!" Erza yelled

"How could you do that to Lu-chan!" Levy cried

"Lucy didn't deserve that!" said Juvia

"She is the one that challenged Me!" I shot back.

"She wouldn't have needed to if you didn't slap her!" Erza said

I still didn't seem to care and i just walked away. The rest of the guild did the same and went back to doing what they were doing.

Why is Life so Confusing?


I hope you like my second chapter!

Bye Minna!

Bye Minna!

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