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"So what flavour do you like ?" Seola asked jaehyun who was not sure to choose the noodle's flavour.

"Honestly every flavour. What about you ?" He asked her back. The girl hummed while choosing the chicken flavour. She put it on their trolley.

"Hey remember we're here to buy popcorns !" Seola give him a light punch.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot !" Jaehyun giggled and seola just rolled her eyes off, looking at her childish boyfriend.

They went to the popcorn section.

"Let's take the caramel ones" Seola said picking the caramel flavoured, Jaehyun just smile looking at the cute figure of her.

"What ?" Seola asked after noticing that he was staring at her lovingly.

"You just look so cute" he said. Seola blushed at his statement and shook her head before picking up the caramel popcorn that she wanted.

Taeyong's POV
I was shopping with yeorum and I saw this love birds. Yeorum noticed it too.

"Oppa look" she said pointing at them. I just took a glance at yeorum before looking at seola and her boyfriend. Yeorum drag me before they saw us.

"Why are we hiding ? It's not like we're stalking them or anything." I protested.

"Let's just see what are they doing." We hid in one of the shelves.

Seola leaned to her boyfriend before kissing him on the cheeks making yeorum flustered.

"Ugh ! This bitch !" She said. I just gave her a smack.

"Ouch ! What was that for ?!" She whispered-shouted at me.

"For calling her a bitch." I replied coldly before giving the attention at them once more. They went to the cashier and pay before going out of the store.

"Oppa, when will our school starts ?" She asked out of blue.

"After 2 days. Wae ?" She just smirked at my answer and went to buy some tuna. I frowned before following her.

Jaehyun's POV
I noticed that seola's ex was there with my ex girlfriend but I remained silent. I was too focus to choose the drinks, I didn't notice that seola leaned forward to kiss my cheeks. She gave me a smile.

"Jaehyun oppa, I'm gonna buy the banana milk what about you ?" She asked. Even the little things that she did, it made my heart flutter as if it escaped.

I hummed before picking the chocolate milk and put it in the trolley.

"Let's go home. We're done right ?" She asked, making sure.

"Yup. Let's go." I said and interview our hands together. We walked to the cashier, pay the foods that we bought and went to go home.

We walked together, swinging our interviewed hands together. I took glance at her, she was smiling looking at our hands while I grinned.

"Aw ! A cat !" She exclaimed looking at the Persian white cat which was so fluffy and fat. She ran towards the cat and immediately carry her onto her arms.

I learn something, seola love cats.

"Look at this fluffy ball !" She said looking at me while carrasing the cat's fur.

"You love cats huh ?"

"OF COURSE ! CATS ARE CUTE FLUFFY BALLS !" She screamed in excitement. I nod my head in response.

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