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"I don't know who is he, but he kept coming in my memory." Seola was hugged by haejin who felt bad for her, she understood the situation. As a friend she comforted seola who was deeply sad.

"It's late, haejin let us go." The doctor told haejin and haejin quickly nodded.

"Seola-ya, you should rest okay?" She kissed the younger girl's forehead and pat her head.

"I will try to be a good big sister for you." She smiled. She walked towards the door with yuta in the back of her. They exited the door.

Seola's back was hitting the bed. The girl stared at the ceiling for a moment.

"Seola-ya?" Jaehyun called her.


"You know, you are lucky to have someone who will protect you." The boy's back was also hitting the bed.


"Seola?" The boy called her again. But this time she didn't respond. The latter called her once more, still no response. He stood up from his bed and walk towards her hospital bed.

She drifted to sleep the boy thought. Jaehyun just stare at her. A strand of her long, brown and silky hair was covering her eyes, he remove it and place it with the other hairs.

"Seola-ya,  I love you." Those words come straight from his mouth, he remembered that seola was the girl who rejected him because she have someone else. His heart ached so bad, his tears started to flow down from his pale face. He cried silently not having any intention for waking her up.

"Jaehyun..." The latter was surprised when he heard his name.

"I also love you." The word she just said to him was making his heart beat 10 times faster. His mind was trying to process what he just heard.

"Seola are you sleep talking ?" The boy said with confusion but at the same time he was happy.

"No jaehyun, I'm serious." She sat up looking at jaehyun in the eyes.

Why and how was the only thing that was running through his mind. Questions who wanted to be answered.

"You meant it ?" The boy asked.

The girl didn't respond and stare at him blankly. He was nervous, did he do something wrong to make her upset? His mind was full of questions but he kept silence. The girl grabbed his cheeks that made him startled by her sudden action.

"You want me to prove it ?" The girl asked. The boy gave her a confused face.

At that moment. Seola leaned down, their faces are close. Jaehyun didn't know what to do. Their lips touched not leaving a single gap. For jaehyun, his world has stopped. The moment when the girl he like kissed him. The girl felt a billions of butterfly trying to escape her stomach. Their hearts were fluttering. The boy kissed her back. They smile into the kiss. The end of the night they cuddled and fell into a deep sleep.

That Guy | j.jhWhere stories live. Discover now