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"Will you let us date ?" Seola asked with eyes full of pleases.

"Hyung, I trust you so please take a good care of my sister and please don't break my trust." Minhyung said to jaehyun.

"Ya minhyung-ah. I will promise that I will protect,love and care your sister even tho that means for me to be soulless."

"That's so...SAD" Yuta speaked up and rub his fake tears.

"Too dramatic." Haejin rolled her eyes while looking at the childish doctor infront of her.

"Oh. By the way you both are gonna be released this night at 7 PM." Yuta said.

"We're gonna throw a... PARTY FOR YOU GUYS WOHOO!!" They were quite surprised to see this other side of the nurse but for minhyung its normal for his girlfriend to act like this. Even the doctor who had spend his 3 years with her never saw this other side of her.

"Um haejin, you okay ?" Yuta asked looking quite surprised.

"Im not okay but I'M TOTALLY FINE!!" She slapped the doctor's back in a friendly way tho. She was going smoothly with the mood until she realised that she was crazy for slapping her own sunbaenim.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry sunbae really sorry." She kept bowing which make minhyung laugh so hard. Yuta was looking at the girl and the boy who was literally confused at this situation and don't know what to say.

"Its ok." Talking about being a gentleman here. Haejin was so flustered so she ran to her boyfriend and hid behind him.

"Aww my girl is scared." Minhyung said while turning back and hug her. Seola was awestruck by the scene.

"By the way brother. Thank you for letting me date jaehyun." Seola said and there jaehyun hugged her leaving the single yuta.

"Guys, What am I suppose to do ? Looking at you guys hugging each other ?" The doctor said feeling a bit down.

"Aww let me hug you." Seola went to yuta and gave him a hug. Jaehyun's eyes was full of jealousy.

"Seola~" he whined.

"Poor you hehe." Minhyung said, giggling while looking at jaehyun.

"I just felt bad for yuta." Seola said and pouted.

"Aw thank you." As usual he smiled brightly. Jaehyun sulked, seola walk to the boy who was sad about it and kiss his forehead.

"Sorry." She apologize, that's when the boy forgive her by giving a peck on her lips infront of the others. Once more the nurse's emotion explode, minhyung just smiled looking at his sister while yuta can't believe.

"WOHOO!!!" Haejin screamed.

"I love you." Jaehyun cupped her cheeks and give her a wide smile. A pile of memory is coming back to jaehyun's memory.

"Seola-ya, I have to tell you something."


"I-I like you"

"Sorry but my heart belongs to someone else"

"Can I hug you ?"

"As a kind person, yes" she smiled and let me hug her.

"Seola, I love you"

Does I know her ? He asked to himself. He was disturbed by the nurse coming in to deliver food for them.

"Breakfast here!" She said placing it on the table beside the bed.

"Thank you" Seola said and bow to show her some respect. Jaehyun immediately stood up and walk towards the table.

"Honestly, hospital food sucks." Yuta said while looking it in disgusted way.

"That's why, I ordered jajangmyeon. It will arrive at any ti-" Haejin was cutted off by the delivery man coming in with 5 jajangmyeon.

"Thank you for ordering and please enjoy your food." The delivery man said before leaving, haejin payed.

"When did you order this ?" Minhyung asked taking off the wrap from the plate.

"I have my skills." She raised her left eyebrow. They just peacefully digged in and than thanking haejin.

"Why aren't you guys working?" Jaehyun asked since they were here for the past 40 minutes.

"Me and sunbae is on a break and I don't know about minhyung."

"I took permission from the head room so I'm okay."

"Oh ok then, I tought you people are skipping work."

"Eyy there is no way we're gonna do that." Yuta said while slurping his black bean noodles.

Seola was in a deep thought.

"I love you seola"


"Let me be your boyfriend"

"Give me som-" I was interrupted when his lips touched my lips. He kissed me... I felt guilty somehow. He let go of the kiss.

"I can't wait any longer."

"Yes I would like to be your girlfriend."

"I love you taeyong"

At the very least, I can taste happiness...
Only for now tho...

Simon says is out. Yall nctzens keep supporting our boys!!

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