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"What's your name?" He asked her.

"Seola, lee seola" she answered as she smiled letting her eye smiling like a rainbow that have been growing on her eyes. It sends shiver through jaehyun's spine. At the same time she was trapped in the boy's heart or in short jaehyun fell for her.

"Well nice to meet you seola!" The boy excitedly answered.

"Mind knowing your name ?" Seola raised her eyebrows while asking him.

"Jung jaehyun" he smiled, showing his dimples which was cute to seola. She realized he was trapped inside her heart.

"Age?" Jaehyun questions.

"17." She answered.

"Well that means I'm older by 4 years than you, wow I never realised that I'm this old." The boy showed his dimples once again.

"Nah, you are not that old, you are older than my brother by a year so It's not like your old." She complained that make him sigh.

"I wish, I also have siblings who would take care of me right now" he said making the girl confused by his sentence.

"Um sorry to ask this, you have no siblings?" She asked in a question tone.

"Well I have a big sister but right now she is in LA, probably working" he stated which made seola felt bad.

"You don't have to feel bad" he replied.

The hell? Is he a read minder? Well how the hell did he- Nevermind.

Seola thought.

Suddenly a memory struck seola like a bolt of lightning.

"Seola-ya, I have something to say"


"I-I like you"

"Sorry but my heart belongs to someone else"

The guy kept his head hanging lower. The silence was lingering over them, only the sound of the winds which blew the sakura petals. He sighed.

"Can I hug you?" The guy asked.

"As a kind person, yes"

They hugged each other, the guy's tear fell into his face.

"Seola, I love you"

She burst into tears suddenly. She felt sadness once more, she was confused. How was my past? How do I come back to my past?

Jaehyun, who was panicked quickly stood up from his bed. He tried to run but he can't. After a long 5 months he didn't walk nor stand up, it was hard for him. But he tried his best to reach seola's bed which takes only 5 steps from his bed. He went to seola.

"What happened?" Jaehyun's voice was full of worry and concern.

"My past..." her voice cracked.

"Shhh... don't cry I'm here" Jaehyun comforted her, the way his mom comforted him when he was still 5 years old. He missed his mom.

Jaehyun kept his hands on her back, patting her and comforting her. Jaehyun got her back, she finally stop. She stared at jaehyun's eyes.

"Sorry" the girl's voice was shaking but jaehyun give her the smile which would melt every girl's heart.

She was sad because the boy in her memory was no other than the boy who was with her right now. It was jaehyun...

That Guy | j.jhWhere stories live. Discover now