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Seola wake up with an unfamiliar place. There is this guy who were sleeping peacefully. His face was pale and he have a pointy nose, added with his plumpy lips. She was staring at him but until the door of the room opened revealing doctors and nurses.

"Good morning miss." The doctor bowed at her. His face was telling me that he wants to spill something.

"Im glad that you are awake" he smiled.

"Excuse me can i ask ?" She suddenly raised my hands to say an excuse.

"Sure go ahead"

"What happen to me ?" Her mind was full curiosity why she was here and why she couldn't remember anything.

"Miss seola, I'm sorry to say this but you have an amnesia"

Me? Amnesia? Wtf?

"You got into an accident 5 months ago and-" Before he finished I interrupted.

"Are you trying to tell me that I was sleeping for the whole 5 months!!" She panicked.

"Yes that's true" The doctor nodded.

"And this guy is having an amnesia also but I'm afraid to tell you that your amnesia is worser than him because most part of your brain was damaged and you have loss so many blood but of the help of your mother you survived." The doctor patted my shoulder.

"Where is my mom?" She blurted out. The doctor bowed his head.

"I'm very sorry but your mom died 2 months ago because she was having an anemia. She tried to be strong but she can't. We tried to save her but there is no one in the family with her blood type. The one who is having the same blood type was you but if we take your blood your condition will be much more worser... I'm sorry for your loss" The doctor and the nurse bowed, they immediately leave.

Seola was speechless. Her beloved mom just died. She is gone now, no one is on her side. She remembered that she lost her father and now her  mom. For her it was an unbelievable news. She cried. Why all of this is happening to her? She thought. She blamed herself. She deserved to die. Once more the door opened revealing a guy in his 20's. Seola may not remember him. In fact he was seola's big brother.

"Seola-" the guy called her name but he can't say anything. He never saw her little sister crying. She was a crying mess. She stared at her big brother minhyung. Minhyung approach her and wrapped his arms around her. That's right, she needed someone to hug her right now, she needs someone to comfort her, she needs someone to be by her side. She felt safe in his hands, she felt warmness, she felt being loved. She cried her heart out.

Her big brother felt bad looking at her sister in this situation. She pats her back and said 'everything is going to be fine' just to comfort her.

Yeah everything is going to be fine for now...

That Guy | j.jhWhere stories live. Discover now