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"Who are you ?" Was the first word that came to her mind. Minhyung's heart ached, but he understood the situation and smiled.

"I'm your big brother, lee minhyung" he smiled but inside he was in pain. He couldn't believe that her little sister just forgot about him.

Ever since their father died. Minhyung took a good care of his sister and his mother. They lost their dad when minhyung was 18 years old while seola was still 16, he promised to them that he will protect them at all cost but he failed to protect her. He was in pain. Their parents left and now her sister doesn't remember him. He sighed.

He was interrupted when seola called her.

"Minhyung what should I call you ?" Her eyes were swollen and puffy after crying but managed to look pretty, her lips was curved upwards which made minhyung smile back.

"Just call me mark, no need oppa since I'm cringing" he chuckled while just shrugging his shoulders off.

"Sure mark" Seola giggled at his childish action.

"You know, once, when you were still a small child you would always cry because you would tripped and fell down on a mud or sometimes the pavement. You would always run to mom and mom would always blow the scars away and said that its gone just to make you smile again, it became a habit of yours. When you have a cut you would always call me or mom to blow it and me, myself or mom have to say that everything is okay." Minhyung said those words without knowing that it would make her cry once more.

"Sorry" minhyung blamed himself for saying that stories. Immediately he stood up and hug her, his chin was resting on her head. Without even realising tears started to form on the corner of his eyes which was threatening to fall, he burst, he cried which made seola stop crying and intentionally she gently pushed him and look at his tears running down his cheeks.

"Im sorry, I failed to protect our mother" he sobbed while seola felt bad. She don't know what to do.

"Its okay dont blame yourself because this is fate, fate can come anytime and anywhere" she explained and smiled. Minhyung stopped and look at her sister, she has a point, he thought. Minhyung told her about the accident and about their childhoods soon their faces which was full of tears and regrets was replaced by laughing and smiling. 'Im glad to have a brother like him' seola thought.

"Where am I?" Suddenly a raspy and hoarse voice was heard. It was the guy beside her bed.

That Guy | j.jhWhere stories live. Discover now