Chapter 20 - Let Me Live My Whole Life With You

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It was the graduation ceremony. Everyone was well dressed, every senior student was waiting for their name to be called. Watching everyone else say their speech and getting an applause, others even crying. Proud smiles in everyone's faces.

Jooheon was nervous. Changkyun could feel it, he could study Jooheon's eyes and he saw it in them. When his name was called Changkyun squeezed Jooheon's hand and muttered a small "I believe in you, I love you" and let him go.

Jooheon went up to receive his diploma and then stood in front of the mic. He took a deep breath and started his speech.

"Hey everyone. First of all I wanna apologize for my trembling voice I'm really nervous. Anyway, when I came here in university, I met some really nice people, friends that I'm gonna keep for my whole life. The teachers helped me as much as they could and I'm glad for them. I wouldn't be here now if I didn't have those teachers. So the first 3 years went by like this. Pretty normal, right? Then, this year changed my whole life. All my friends started getting in relationships, being happy with their partners, loving life. I didn't know how amazing that feeling was until I met the most beautiful person in this world. We might had some problems at first, but we overcome it. I got happier, I found the meaning of life, pretty cheesy I know. But if you have fallen in love at least one you understand. I wouldn't say all those things but that someone told me to write about what made university years for me happy, what helped me. And he was the one who made me happy. So please Im Changkyun, come here..."

Changkyun got confused. Why did he want him to go up there when he's not the one graduating. He still went tho.

"You may think that it's kinda early but you are the person with whom I wanna spend the rest of my life. You are my everything. Please, let me live my whole life with you and marry me." Jooheon said and sat on his one knee. Everyone was shocked. Literally everyone, every student, every teacher, even their friends. No one knew about it.

But Changkyun couldn't even speak. He was speechless, he wanted to say yes but he was so happy that he just crashed Jooheon in a hug that had then both falling on the floor. Changkyun was crying.

He took the mic and with a trembling voice he said yes. He smiled and was just so happy. He made the best choice and he knew that.

Changkyun had a brief moment remembering that day. 3 years ago he made the decision to marry Jooheon and its probably something that he will never regret.

"Changkyun come on we have to go on stage" Jooheon said at him. Oh yes, they debuted all together 2 years ago, a group called Monsta X. Can you believe that they actually found a company that approves their relationships? Who would've thought?

Jooheon came closer and saw Changkyun smiling.
"What are you thinking and smiling?" he asked seeing happy happy Changkyun was.

"My life the last 4 years. You made my life happy Jooheon, you ARE my life. Thanks for making these moments with me and please make even more with me" Changkyun said without losing his smile.

"You stupid, you always decide to get emotional before concerts and after I do my make up. I can't even cry. Come here" Jooheon said and brought Changkyun closer kissing him.

"Come on, we have to make a great concert for our monbebes" Changkyun said and move to the main room where every boy was there.

"Minhyuk and Shownu stop making out, Hyungwon and Wonho stop fighting about who loves the other more and Kihyun wake up its time to go on stage" their manager said.

Everyone was ready and the concert would start in any minute now. They all gathered together and wished each other to have a great concert.

When they went on stage the crowd went wild. They performed 2 songs and then stop to chat, we all know how much of fan service kings they are.

Changkyun who was still in an emotional mood sat on the floor and started talking.

"Monbebe!!" he said in the mic and the whole venue cheered.
"I love you." Changkyun said calmer and made a pause but continued.
"You are all so supportive. It's like we all had a part in our hearts that was incomplete for years. And you completed it. And I hope you have the happiest life, because I do have the happiest life. I have my friends, my husband and thousands of fans cheering for our music. And this, this is all I wanted. Thank you" Changkyun finished his speech and everyone got emotional.

"And because music makes me happy" Changkyun continued and looked at the other boys smiling "let's do some music" he finished and Fallin' started playing.

He would have the best life. And he still knew that he would never regret it.

Changkyun was heartbroken and Jooheon hacked his heart and filled it with love.


Whaaaaaat? I just finished this book. I can't believe it. I am happy with how this book turned out. And I'm really happy and glad to have all of you still reading it, Bearing with my breaks and writer blocks.
I love you all, see you in my next book "From Zero" 💗

HACKER // JOOKYUN Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant