Chapter 11: The Pitts

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We all left the top-secret debriefing room, and headed to the weapon station where we were to choose our gear and board the Suit Star Cruiser. Standard suit gear was mandatory, shield, blaster, touch tone grenades and Electric Magnetic Pulses (EMP's). However, depending on the mission, you could equip extra armor, attach Laser cannons, opt to carry a Saber Sword and more. I had never seen such weaponry before and until I got more familiar with it decided not to take anything extra.

About five minutes passed and we were fully equipped and was heading to the SSC. As I approached I thought to myself this is a magnificent fighter jet. It was the most balanced one out of the fleet, it was tactical and fully equipped to handle any battle missions. Although it was sturdy and heavily defended it was still quite fast. It was designed for a six man crew but was efficient enough to be operated by just one. I had never seen one close up and only saw a couple in the skies, we were all anxious to see what this Star Cruiser could do.

        Maleek reached the Star Cruiser first, he was at the bottom of the ramp looking up, I guess he was soaking it all in

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        Maleek reached the Star Cruiser first, he was at the bottom of the ramp looking up, I guess he was soaking it all in. Katan approached and gave him a pat on the shoulder, Sarah was next to the Cruiser, she jokingly jumped on his back and rubbed his head. These were both kind gestures that I'm sure Maleek appreciated. I was next to him now, also taking my time to soak in the moment, he turned his head and looked at me, I did the same.

Atticus: "You got this!"

At that very moment, Josh walked in between us, brushing Maleek;

Josh: "You Better."

It was clear Josh was still a little upset and I was going to have to address our animosity sooner than later. 

Crix: "Come on slow pokes!"

Crix was already on board and was poking his head out the Cruiser.

Crix: "Let's go, we got bad guys to round up!"

He was right, we had taken enough time and we had a mission to complete. I looked at Maleek one more time and gave him a final nod of approval.

         I was confident that Maleek would be a great pilot not only because of how fast he grasped the technology and the tutorials but also because from his profile I saw that he scored top marks in his flight training and aerial combat. This would be a perfect fit and I hoped to continue pairing up my team with their strengths. Now on board Maleek took command of the coms, he did his captain's check, made sure we were all Maning our required stations and ready for take off.

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The Golden Suits: Myth or LegendOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora