Chapter 22: The team

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Atticus to team: "Are you guys up for some recon today?"

Josh - "Sure, The Glyphs?"
Sarah - "Let's do the ocean side"
We all laughed.

A few seconds later everyone replied that they were in. Awesome, my plan was in motion.

I was now on the Star Craft jet heading towards the docks in Heritage Isle. I had a quick rendezvous so I had no time to spare. Time to see what this baby can do, I reached the top speed of 300 miles per hour and the arrival time was 20 minutes. At this time, messages were coming in fast from the team so I broadcasted them in the helmet.

Atticus: "Read Katana's message!"


Katana: "Can we bring Ryhno?"

I responded to Katana's message on a private chat.

Atticus: "Now is not a good time to take him to the base, besides I have a special top secret mission for you. I'll fill you in later."

I asked the team on the public channel.

Atticus: "How many of you have ever been to the Special Operations Space, Elite, Air and Land Base?"

Josh: "Ummm a couple times with my father..."
Chris: "We went once for a school project, they barely let us 100 yards to the gates."
Katana: "That place exists? It's what myths are made of!"

Sarah and Maleek were both quiet.
Maleek messaged me privately.

"What's up commander?"

Atticus: "We're in luck, we'll be doing recon on the S.O SEAL BASE today!"

Sarah: "We got invited to the Special Operations Space, Elite, Air and Land Base?"

Atticus: "Not quite..."

The chat went silent, I could feel everyone's gears turning. Even though we were suits and I was the Golden Suit, there was still so much we didn't have access too and this was one of them.

Crix: "When you said recon I didn't expect you to mean on one of our own top secret bases."

Katana was observing the chat awaiting details from me about her own mission but the news made her break her silence.

Katana: "Now I see why we can't bring Rhyno.

Maleek: "What time?"
Atticus: "We need to be at S.O SEAL base at 12:00 pm sharp.
Crix: "12? That's lunch time."
Sarah: "I smell a plan."

Silence came over the chat again. They knew something was up.

Josh chuckled. "So let's hear it!"

The S.O SEAL base was very heavily guarded and had the most most advance technology and security. For those who knew about the location, knew it ran precious on clock work, like a well oil machine. Never missing a beat.

If there was one weakness, that was it, predictability. Not like anyone would dare try breaking into there. For us to have the best chance of sneaking on base we needed to go when the guards were transitioning and the soldiers were out the barracks on lunch.

This gave us some cover to blend in and maneuver freely. After explaining the first step of the plan Maleek quickly asked,

Maleek: "What's our objective commander?"
Atticus: "Well, let's just say Maleek, you're going to get a chance to pilot a Space Craft Ship."
Josh: "Keeping us in the dark again, Ax."
Atticus: "Trust me, it's not on purpose, you guys just need to see it to believe it. That's where you come in Katana."

I sent over the first of two files to Katana privately. This file was what I could find archived about the S.O Base and a simulation of the plan I had for us to break in.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2023 ⏰

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