Chapter 7: The Golden Suit

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lord Omen: "Without further ado, I present to you, the Champion of the 8th Gladiator Games Atticus."

The Eldest Lord Omen said again, I heard him the first time and wanted to stand up but fear wouldn't let me, then Maleek looked back at me again and joked,

Maleek: "That's you Commander"

A few other of my fellow soldiers began to encourage me on, some even giving me a standing ovation. This was enough to get me to stand and as I did I noticed the crowd hadn't reacted to the announcement, they didn't cheer or boo, which was perhaps worse than booing. As I walked slowly towards Lord Omen he began to give a brief history of me as was the custom. Usually he would list the accomplishments and achievements I had earned throughout my years of training, which was expected of the best soldier of the class. However, all he could say was that I had performed better than any soldier had over the past two decades, since Edgar at the 6th Gladiator Games in 2080.

This got a big cheer out of the crowd; I wasn't too sure if it was for me, my accomplishment or for Josh's father Edgar. He was well loved among the nobles and celebrated, and although love was not the word associated with him among the people of common blood he was still well respected, even feared. He went on to say that I defeated Josh who was awarded the soldier of the year award; again, the murmurs started when this was mentioned and again I was attacked by guilt. Fortunately, this didn't stop the applause but what was said next did.

Omen: "Welcome to the podium your first Champion of common blood, Atticus".

Again the silence was deafening, so deafening I thought the entire city could hear my thoughts...

Atticus: "First Champion of common blood? What about Golem? Was it just a story, a mere myth?"

This didn't last long as the soldiers once again showed their support belting out their loudest cheers and chants. The crowd quickly followed suit. I was relieved and felt a bit more confident but I guess they were more eager to see the Golden Suit; it was a spectacle that was only observed once every five years. I was now standing at the podium with Lord Omen he placed his hands on my head, then leaned into me and whispered

Omen: "What happens next is up to you, accept this suit... accept your fate."

I didn't know if these words were meant to be a source of encouragement or a warning. He then took a step back, took the golden watch and belt from its resting place and handed them to me. I hesitated, reluctantly but humbly accepted them slowly putting the watch on, it fit me perfectly and as I switched it on a slight golden light became apparent. The same thing happened with the belt, which also fit me perfectly.

All that was left now was to switch on my visor by pressing the button over my right ear. The slightly dark tented visor slid across my eyes and in a second was operational. My readings came up on the screen once more 72, 64 and 68, I turned and faced the crowd and could see everyone's heat signature it was amazing. I took a moment and focused more, the visor zoomed in, I could see height measurements of the people I looked at, distances and more.

        Now that all three were on and operational the process started. My helmet came down, starting from the back of my neck, over the crown of my head and securing with my visor. My boots and gloves became apparent next. They simultaneously began to form starting from the sole of my feet and the fingertips of my gloves. This process was a bit slow but I was told it would be faster the next time. My boots now completely formed and were operational. Same with my gloves, the only thing left was the armor which started from my waist and spread downward to my feet and upward to my chest and back.

In about 60 seconds the transformation was complete, I was wearing The Golden Suit. The first thing I noticed was that my statistical readings were different. My Stamina was now 92 my Strength was now 84 and my Speed was now 88. I thought the helmet or vizor was malfunctioning but then I felt a surge of power within me that I never felt before. It was incredible, like fire was flowing through my veins; I was tapping into the energy, the Chi of the suit fusing with it, becoming one with it... The readings were correct.

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