Chapter 9: Decisions

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Please be advised this chapter contains Some sexual content, language and images

Natasha and I made plans; I was going to show her Apricot Hills where I go to relax when I am stressed or feeling down like I was now. Maleek came over to say he was leaving and wished us a good night, Natasha smiled at this sentiment. I trusted Maleek a lot now and considered him a close friend and after conversing with Natasha I warmed up to her a considerable amount. Although most of it was because of my recent rejection by Sarah, there was something else. Was it a connection or was it the new confidence the suit brought on? Natasha and I reached the parking lot and she slid her hand into mine and for a moment I felt at ease.

          While looking into her eyes something inspired me to kiss her, it was a good genuine feeling having someone return my act of emotion. We got on the bike racer and I set the autopilot to my old neighborhood Sandy Lane and from there I would drive to my secret location. Natasha tried not to bring up the fact that I was the Champion of the Gladiator games and I appreciated that. At first, I thought she was only into the champion and not the person, even when she saw the bike racer it wasn't evident that she was influenced or fazed.

          We travelled with the screen down at a nice speed of 150 miles per hour. It gave us time to talk some more and I could feel some growing tension in the air, it was nothing like I felt before it was positive and for a second I forgot about Sarah. I adjusted the seat, it sunk down into the bike rider and the back was raised, I guess this function was to let the driver rest while autopilot was engaged. Natasha was on me, the back of her head on my shoulder our fingers intertwined in each other's and she revealed that she was not of noble status or blood like Maleek. It had not occurred to me to even ask or think of that because I too was not of noble blood. I made a joke,

Atticus: "Haven't you heard Natasha, the champion is not of noble blood either" we both laughed.

"One minute to destination" the female voice came on once more,

Natasha: "She is making me jealous Atticus" Natasha said jokingly.

I admitted that it was funny as I laughed. It was good that she had a sense of humor. I adjusted the seats, disengaged the autopilot and told her to hold on. The protective screen was enabled and I revved the bike and the speed shot up to 200 miles. Natasha enjoyed this and in seconds we reached Apricot Hills not too far from where I trained earlier with Josh.

         We landed and I turned off the bike engaged the security features and lead Natasha to the top of the hills. As we walked I moved the branches gently from our path making sure not to hit her with them. She was engulfed in the beauty and picking of the blossoming flowers. It was a peaceful, quiet, secluded area, not too far beneath was a little stream that connected to the river.

As the water made its way through the cracks it looked green while it flowed because of the trees but as it merged with the river the color changed to blue. Even now around midnight because of the bright stars you could see the color. The hills were surrounded by trees which protected us from the high winds it was far away from the city that you could hear the water and animals but close enough to still see the lights. I thought it was perfect and Natasha seemed to agree.


She was in awe and told me she never saw anything like it before. She continued to ask who else have I brought up here in a jokingly manner and I replied with a smile no one. She was the first person I brought here although I always imagined it would have been Sarah to be here with me. The thought of Sarah was forced out of my mind when Natasha suddenly kissed me. This time it was more passionate than the others so I held her close to me.

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