Chapter 10 - Paths Crossed

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     Atticus!! Atticus!! I heard from a far, I rolled over, sat up then tried to become coherent. Atticus wake up it is 11:30 the voice was familiar, it was Sarah. I looked over to the left on my night stand and saw the holographic time display, it was 11:33 and I was going to be late for my test.
        Excited to see Sarah and late for class I hurried to the automotive sliding door in my tightly fitted boxers, unaware of what had transpired only hours ago. As I opened the door

Sarah: "Come let me help you get ready"

As she got inside, her demeanor changed, she froze in my doorway, looked at my bed;

Sarah: "It seems you have all the help you need". She scoffed.

Turned and hurried out of my living quarters. My reality came crashing down, I looked at the bed to see Natasha awake, embarrassed and covered in my sheets, what did I do and what was I to do now? I wanted to run after Sarah and try to explain myself but I wasn't dressed but I also couldn't leave Natasha. I had to leave for class and could not focus on this right now. Although I felt bad and had a lot of explaining and apologizing to do. I smiled at
Natasha and she politely calmed my nerves by forcing a smile back. I rushed in the shower, brushed my teeth and got ready for my test but before I left I took a minute to bask in the presence of Natasha. She was beautiful and despite whatever was to happen next between us, last night was an incredible night and I could not take it back. We hugged and she kissed me on the cheek, exchanged good byes and agreed to meet later after my test.

Every step I took closer to my class, I saw Sarah's face clearer and the disappointment was more apparent but why I asked myself? She is with Josh now. My thoughts ended as I reached the entrance of my class and saw my professor by the door.

Professor: "You're late Mr. X'avier"

Atticus: "I am so sorry" I immediately replied.

He leaned closer to me and whispered

"I will give you a break this time Champion but do not let it happen again."

This was a pleasant surprise because Mr. Wilkinson is well known for being the strictest Professor on campus, his old school teaching habits of doing everything by the books is rivaled by no one. I smiled on the inside and rushed to my seat to begin my test, however, my smile quickly turned to emptiness. Sarah was not sitting next to me but had moved to the very front of the class. I sighed swiped my identification card over my desk, removed my 4D holographic tablet from the desk and started my test. 
Five questions into the test my mind was blank, I had not studied and all I could think about was Sarah and that I did not get the chance to tell her how I felt about her. Also, the thoughts of Josh, my best friend betraying me knowing how much I cared for her and finally Natasha.
Forty-five minutes passed and I only completed half of my test, 15 minutes remained I was about to fail. Anxiety and panic began to build when I heard a knocking on the door. It was a messenger from the Elders and after speaking to Professor Wilkinson for a moment, he came in and made an announcement.

Messenger: Attention all Suits, you are required to meet in the Mission Quarters immediately. Follow me!"

Sarah got up from her seat and looked at me for the first time during this ordeal, another member from my graduating class got up and I was the last to rise. It had not sunk in yet that I was a Suit and my number one priority was protecting New Earth and its people.

Now outside we all rushed down the hall, made our way to the parking lot and proceeded to our means of transportation. I was among the middle of the pack heading towards the Mission Quarters, approximately a dozen of us soldiers were on the Science Campus, I assumed we were all traveling at hyper speed because I arrived there in minutes just behind Sarah and a few others that made their way from other sectors of new earth.
As I landed a realized the only soldiers that were here were the 48 that graduated from the final test. We were now called Junior Soldiers even me the Champion. As we all made our way to the Mission Quarters room, many soldiers began to speak among themselves in anticipation of what was about to follow. I overheard some of the chatter, many thought we were about to embark out into space, some wondered if there was rebellion because a common blood was Champion, others were just excited and hoped-for action.
I myself was wondering, did the Elders change their mind of me being The Chosen One. Then I remembered I was supposed to meet the other Champions before me to be sworn in and given my status and my team. But this could not be the reason for the gathering. The affair of choosing a team and being sworn in is a private one so what could this be about, whatever it is we were about to find out.

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