Magic Bullets & Severed Arms

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"Scott I swear to God, if you don't stop bouncing your legs my pencil will go in to one of them" I sent him a glare as I sat beside him.
His eyes widened as he looked at my serious expression and he instantly stopped.
"Thank you" I sighed, looking back to the teacher at he passed our tests back.
"If Derek isn't the alpha and he's not the one who bit you then who did?".
I rolled my eyes and dropped my hand on to the desk causing some kids to look back at me.
Sending a firm glare I spun around in my seat to look towards Stiles who was sitting behind Scott.
"Do you think if we knew who the Alpha was, we'd be sitting here right now?"
Stiles mouth dropped slightly and he sighed slumping back in his seat.
I rolled my eyes at him slightly I turned back around as the teacher set my graded test on my desk.


I huffed slightly. It wasn't awful but not quite what I was hoping for.
"Dude you need to study more"
Turning around slightly I saw Stiles had been talking about the large D- on Scott's paper. Scott sighed and frowned whipping his paper out of Stiles view.
"....that was a joke" Stiles added.
"Was it though? It's a D- though I can't blame. Thinking about Allison every breathing second must be exhausting" I teased Scott.
He sent me a small glare and Stiles smirked.
"Want help studying?" Stiles asked, hoping to get Scott out of his brooding mood.
"No I'm studying with Allison tonight" Scott grumbled.
"That's ma boyy" Stiles grinned his eyebrows raised so high the damn near met his hair line.
"We're just studying" Scott brushed him off.
"No your not!"
"No we're not?" Scott furrowed his eyebrows.
"They aren't?" I added, also confused.
"No! If you go to her house tonight and splunder that colossal opportunity I swear to god I'll have you de-balled!" Stiles exclaimed.
I rolled my eyes and turned around but still listened to their conversation.
"Okay! Just no more werewolf questions" Scott exasperated.
"Okay. No more talk about the alpha or Derek. Ecspecially Derek....who still scares me" Stiles sighed.
I winced at Derek's name remembering the events of last night feeling as if I had betrayed my friends.
Eventually the bell rang signaling the end of the school day.
"Yes!" I cheered wrapping my arm around Stiles shoulder.
"Am I still giving you a ride home?" He asked.
"I'd hope so" I smiled.
"You're an entirely different person once school ends" Stiles shook is head as we made out way to his car.
"Hey what can I say this girl hopes to go to colllege witch or not" I shrugged carelessly, hoping in to the passenger seat of his jeep.
"Okay I get that" he slightly starting the car and slowly backing out, we were almost out of the parking lot whena figure in all black stepped in front of the car with their hand up.
"What the fuck!" My eyes widened.
Instantly the people behind us started honking obnoxiously.
I recognized Derek and instantly jumped out of the car.
Turning to the honking car I clenched my fist in their direction.
Instantly the sound stopped and I watched as the drivers tried honking confused as it suddenly stopped working.
"What the hell!" Scott exclaimed rushing over to us as Derek fell on his ass.
Stiles shrugged in confusion and got out of the car.
"What happened!" I exclaimed dropping to my knees beside Scott infront of Derek who was stuggling to keep his torso up.
"I was shot" he breathed heavily.
"Your not looking so good dude" Stiles stated the obvious.
"Why aren't you healing?!" Scott demanded.
My eyes started to widen as I realized what was happened.
"I can't. It was a special kind of bullet" Derek explained.
"A silver bullet!" Stiles exclaimed.
"Wait wait! That's what she meant by you have 48 hours!" Scott gasped.
"Aconite napel bleu nordique. It's french for Nordic blue monkshood. I saw my mother treat this once when I was younger. There's a potion somewhere in one of my books!" I exclaimed.
As I finished my sentence Derek gasped and his eyes began to flicker back and forth betwen bright blue and his normal chocolate brown.
"What are you doing?! Stop that!" Scott hissed.
"He can't. Come on we have to get him up!" I exclaimed as people began getting out of their cars.
Scott quickly lifted Derek and shoved him into Stiles passenger seat and I quickly got in to the very back, don't get me wrong I was very salty he stole my spot but I also knew it wasn't exactly the best time to complain about it.
"I need the bullet for the potion" I explained to Scott.
"How the hell am I suppose to do that" he retorted.
"She's an Argent. She's with them" Derek added.
"Why should we help you?" Scott frowned.
"Because you need me"
Suddenly my hold on the cars dropped and the honking began once again.
"Scott we have to leave!" I exclaimed as Stiles rushed back to the drivers seat.
"Fine. I'll help you. Get him out of here!" Scott demanded.
Stiles complained a little bit before speeding off.
"Okay. Drop me off at my house. Here's the key to the animal shelter and I'll meet you guys there!"

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