epilouge pt3

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v0t3 and c0mm3nt

so yall didnt expect part 2 what about this part 3?


Jahseh and Jada held each other in heaven. Jahseh explained to her that he couldnt live without her, and she completely understood. Jada explained how she regretted killing herself because, every time she seen jahseh cry, she didnt have the option to hold and comfort him, and it broke her heart when his was broken. They were both happy now. All they needed was each other.

Back on earth, Cleo was heart broken now. The first person she called was Ski, then Jahs father, then Jada's mother. Soon after, Jah's death was released to thr public, and since he had 8mil on instagram, and 2mil on soundcloud, alot of people knew who he was. His fans were so close to him, not physically, but mentally. They loved him, and once they heard his story, they loved him more.

His fans were also heartbroken. His name began to spread around and he gained alot of real fans, but also fake fans, who called themselves fans, jist so they could fit in. They listened to one song by him so that they could say thay was their favorite or something.

Jahseh didnt really care about that though, he loved all his fans regardless. But all wasnt "good". Fans became depressed over his death and also considered suicide, for jahseh. Thats how close they were to him. They would die for Jahseh, and thats a fact.

Leo found out about Jahsehs death and he began to get even more upset then he already was. As you can tell, him and Jahseh had a very very close relationship. Jahseh was his older cousin, but felt like a brother to leo.

Aiden began to get even more sad as well. He would just go in to jahs room, to remember how things use to be. When he would barge in her and Jahseh would get mad and annoyed. Aiden missed that. He stared around and the messy bed, and the stuff on the floor, he wanted his Jah jah back.

Cleo and Ayesha worked with his manager to release songs that were unreleased by Jahseh, to temporarily satisy his fans. But they always wanted more. They had to savor rhe music though. The new and unheard music would only last for a little while. They didnt know what to do once they ran out.

Stokeley was completely heartbroken. He had lost his girlfriend, and 2 best friends in under a year. Stokeley was not the same after that. He smiled once and a while but it only hid his pain.

Stokeley helped Miss Cleo and Ayesha release Jahsehs music as well. Jahsehs fans began to fall in love with his as well. Stokeley ended up moving to Manhattan, New York , to try and get a better career. Eventually he got bigger and alot of people began to listen to him, as well as jahseh.

Yasmeen heard about Jahseh's death from Stokeley. She was sad as well. She also lost two people that she could call her bestfriend. She was pretty sad and began to feel empty, she began to feel that life was boring. But eventually, Yasmeen got a career in modeling and became successful.

Korrine heard about Jahsehs deatj from people sharing Ski's live around. The live where Stokeley announced jahs death to the public. Korrine finally began to feel guilty, and she now believes that this was all her fault and jahseh nor jada would be dead right now if it wasnt for her.

After a few months of not paying bills and spending her money on her daughter, she got evicted out the house, and her daughter was taken away, and put in an orphanage. Korrine was now homeless, jobless, and depressed.

Geneva was heartbroken about jahsehs death also. Not reallt cause he had died, but because she couldnt have him anymore. She was mad that Jada was now with him and Geneva no longer had any access to Jahseh.

After some weeks, Geneva began to date a guy named Bryson. She treated him like shit because she didnt truly love him, she only wanted sex. Bryson left her after 4 weeks of living together in her home.

Jahseh and Jada were happy now.
happy and together.

I love you bby and fly high!

Jahseh loves us all.
if you feelin sad about him.
just remember he is always there
and he doesn't want us to be sad.
remember him when he was here.
look at pictures of him smiling
it will warm your heart.
it always warms nine

I love you all and
thanks for reading
I hope you enjoyed this story !

this is a final goodbye to this book.

the fucking end :

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