epilogue pt2

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v0t3 and c0mm3nt

I bet yall aint think there would be a part 2, did you.

Leo was also sad about Jada's death. They were actuallt good friends and he missed her being around the house.

Yasmeen and Jada had also gotten closer when she was still alive, so Yas deleted Korrines contact, and blocked her, once she found out what Korrine did. Azia did the same and they both attended Jada's funeral.

Miss cleo, and Ayesha were really upset about Jada's death. She was like their daughter. They invited her in to their home, and they grew close enough to love each other. Cleo respects the fact that jahseh wants to be alone most of the time, and Cleo and Ayesha also attended Jada's funeral.

As for Ariana and Aiden, they both are 7 now and continue to see each other. Ariana dosent really feel anything about Jada's death since they were not close at all, and she is too young to know what she did wrong just yet.  Aiden also missed jada, but they didnt talk much. They both attended Jada's funeral.


Jahseh stared at the blank wall in his bedroom. Jada was roaming all in his mind. He got up, and went to her suicide note, that was hung up with one single, see through thumb tack.

He read it over again.

I trusted you.
you made my life heaven,
but what I just witnessed was hell
you promised me...

you know how I am
you still do this and I cant take it
your supposed to be mine jahseh.

I have love you forvever.
ever since I met you,
you were such a beautiful person,
I loved you more than life itself ,

You hurt anyone who hurt me,
you treated me like a princess,
you were the reason I woke up with a smile every single day.

the last few monthes of my life were pretty decent.

I thank you for it.

but why this?
you promised you wouldnt do this anymore.

but I still love you .

- jada

It sent chills down his spine, and his eyes began to get watery. He sniffled as tears flowed down his cheeks. He stood there with his eyes locked on the paper. He got a random cold burst of wind against his skin, making him shiver since he was shirtless.

Jahseh rubbed his eyes with his head hung low. He rolled his eyes at the fact that this was halfway his fault, so he thought. Jahseh missed jada more than anything.

Jahseh walked past the window, that the curtains covered completely. He walked in to the bathroom, and he looked at himself in the mirror. He stared at Jada's pearl necklace that sat on the counter through the reflection. He picked it up and examined it. He reminisced how she looked at the party when she wore this. She was gorgeous.

His phone lit up, showing the lock screen, a picture of a smiling jada, when she had took jahsehs phone and spammed the camera roll. Her hair was in a messy bun, and her dimples poked through her cheek, very evident in the picture.

He had gotten a text message from ski. Ski usually checked up on him, since jahseh refused to see anyone, and he refused to leave the house, ever. The text message read " you good vro?" And jahseh ignored it. He didnt feel like answering anyone right now.

Hs glanced at the bottle of xanax on the table, and he picked it up, thinking about this decision. He grabbdd a bottle of water and swallowed the pills 2 at a time.

He began to feel dizzy after 10 of them and he laid down in the bed.


Miss Cleo knocked on jahsehs door, and not to her suprise he was still sleeping. It was 11 in the morning so she didnt think it was weird for him to be sleeping.

Miss Cleo, slightly opened the door, and Jahseh laid down in the bed, and the appearance of him sleeping was what she saw.

She lightly approached the bed and shook jahseh. Usually he would wake right up, but he didnt budge at all. She shook him again but, harder. Still, he didnt budge at all. She felt for a pulse and she felt absolutely nothing.

She began to panic and shook jahseh once again. Ayesha walked past the room and she seen Cleo sweating and her face went red, so She came in the room as well.

"Whats wrong?" Ayesha asked looking at cleo.

"Call an ambulance"


"im sorry ma'am, but he is gone"

Jada POV-

I sat beside jahseh crying happy tears, but also tears of sadness since jahseh ended his life.

"I missed you baby" jahseh cried in to her shoulder, as she sat on his lap.

"I mised you too"

the end end .

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