We laughed together and talked about our day, occasionally taking a break to eat a cookie. Or two. I told him about the situation Aaron and Perry were currently going through with Aly and Allen. Just as he shoved a giant piece of taco into his mouth we heard, "Dad? Father?"

I looked up to see Cameron walking into the room, Hugo behind him with Huck in his arms. "Hey guys," I said while rolling the sleeves of my button down up to my elbows. I then walked over to them and hugged them both before taking Huck into my arms and kissing him.

I watched as Noah hugged Cameron and Hugo before taking Huck out of my arms. When I looked at Cameron's nervous face I asked, "What's wrong?"

"I need to talk to you guys about something. Can we talk?"

"Of course." I ushered everyone into the family room as we sat down onto the two couches.

When Cameron looked really nervous, Hugo was wrapping his arm around him while giving him a comforting smile. That seemed to give Cameron the courage to look between Noah and I to say, "I've been seeing a psychiatrist because he's worried I might have... an eating disorder."

"What?" Noah asked with a shocked face.

My eyes looked at my son, feeling like I was just seeing him for the first time. I noticed his face was very skinny as he was biting his bottom lip. I then noticed how his clothes were practically hanging off of his body. He went into the story of how it all started and how he only went to talk to someone not that long ago. He talked about how he was trying to work through the demons in his mind, but still had trouble eating. Sometimes he'd still end up throwing up his entire meal, which was really hard to hear. He also told us how the book he finished made him feel numb, making him delete it. By the time he was done telling his story there wasn't a dry eye around.

"I'm obviously not going to get through this overnight, but I wanted you guys to know." Cameron looked down at his hands before glancing up at Hugo. "I just told Hugo not that long ago, sorry for not telling you guys sooner."

"Oh honey," Noah said while putting Huck into my arms as he walked over to the couch. As he sat next to Cameron, he started to cry while wrapping his arms around his tiny frame. "Don't apologize."

The rest of the night we sat around with each other until Huck couldn't keep his eyes open. As Cameron was showing Noah Huck's new pair of shoes, I wandered over to Hugo. He was currently leaning against the wall watching his husband with a small smile on his face. As I walked closer to him I placed my hand onto his shoulder, his blue eyes instantly flashing over to me.

"How's everything been with your family Hugo?"

He smiled up at me while shoving his hands into his pockets. "They're good. My sister is pregnant again."

"Oh really? What number is this?"

"Well she has Remi, the twins Kellan and Eli and little Stephanie."

"Wow," I said with a whistle.

He laughed while nodding. "I know. She said this is it; they're done after this one. She wanted to be done after Stephanie since they had two boys and two girls, but it was a surprise. It's even more of a surprise because she found out she's having another set of twins."

"No kidding," I said while leaning against him on the wall. "Does she know what she's having?"

"A boy and a girl."

"Well, Huck will definitely have lots of playdates."

He laughed as she said, "No kidding."

When I realized Cameron and Noah were making their way back over, I turned back towards him. "Hugo, I know I don't tell you this enough. I'm really glad you're apart of this family. Thank you for always looking out for him."

"Thank you Mr. Yeager."

Cameron was then walking up to me to hug me, as Noah was trying to get them to stay the night. "I promise I'll continue to keep you updated," Cameron said. "I love you."

"We love you," I said while kissing his cheek. I watched from the door as they walked to their car.

When they were gone Noah instantly ran up the stairs, making me follow him. I watched as he plopped down onto the bed while pulling out his computer. He was suddenly typing away on the keys as I sat down next to him.

"What are you doing?"

"Looking up this doctor. I need to make sure he's legit."

"Noah," I said while shutting the computer. He instantly protested while turning towards me.

He angrily sighed while trying to pry the computer from my hands. "Wes, I need to make sure our son is seeing the right person. What if there's a better doctor out there that he just hasn't met yet? What if this doctor-"

"Stop with the what ifs Noah. We can't change what happened, we can only move forward. Cameron is in the hands of very good doctors."

He frowned while leaning his head onto my chest. "I just can't believe my baby is going through this."

"I know," I whispered while resting my head onto his. "I know."

Troubled Soul (manxman) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now