Lose Control

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Percy POV

Due to my dreams being plagued with nightmares of my time down in...that... place, my body felt heavy with exhaustion. Thus marking today, the fifth sleepless night i have had in a week and it's really taking a toll on my body. Even with the dreamless candle that, Leo made especially for those broken soldiers who suffered from night terrors due to the war, didn't seem to work. At least, not for me.

Resting my head in my hands as i sat with my legs hanging over the side, i went through the steps that Annabeth had suggested to try and get me to do, to relieve some pain and stress from my body.

Breathing in deeply i began to recall some of my best memories with my loved ones...

Meeting Grover...
Arriving at Camp...
Saving my mom...
My first underwater kiss with Annabeth...
Saving Nico and Bianca from the Lotus Hotel...

A tired smile graced my lips at the last one, as i remembered how innocent and vulnerable the small son of Hades used to be. And Bianca, How protective she is with him...was with him.

Slowly the grin began to fade from my face, as I glanced at the pictures i had placed above my bed of all the campers and children that had died during my stay at the camp. Even the ones I never knew.

"Ugh!" i groaned.

After a moment of silence, i was reminded of the real reason i was up this early. I had a class at 6:00am. A bunch of new campers who needed to learn how to fight.

At least i have a date, with Wise-girl and my parents, to look forward to tonight.

Third Person POV

Down in the arena, several groups of campers stood impatiently as they waited for their teacher. Not a minute later, the raven haired Posideonson came running. Coming to a standstill just in front of the group.

"Good morning everyone. Lets get straight to the lesson shall we." he said softly

Scanning the crowd, Percy recognized a few of the new campers. One of them being Jake, a child of Ares and Anika, a child of Aphrodite.

Both of which he remember from the previous lesson where both of them had attempted to decapitate each other.

"Let's recap on last weeks lesson...Would anyone like to demonstrate the correct stance used when handling a long bladed sword?" He asked as he scanned the crowd.

Like usual, Jakes hand was the first one up.

"I can!"

"Yeah right. You couldn't even hold the sword. For a child of Ares, you fight very poorly." snickered one of the Aphrodite girls as they watched him move, which caused Jake to blush furiously.

Percy gave her a warning look before he turned his attention back to Jake.

"Well done. But your balance is off, Jake." He said calmly.

Pushing gently but quickly, he sent the child of Ares flying backwards onto his back, several feet away.

"Try placing your feet further apart. About a shoulder width should do."

"Pathetic!" Whispered Anika. Giggling behind her hand as she watched Jake get pushed around.

It didn't go unnoticed. Jake who was close enough to have heard it growled as he became furious.

The enraged son of Ares, let out an ear shattering war cry before he charged.

"I don't have time for this!" Percy growled, his eyes flashing an eerie green, as he uncapped Riptide. The bronze sword grew to its three foot size, glowing in the rising sun like fire. Striding forward he thrust his sword upward, deflecting the poorly aimed,  heavy blow that was heading for the startled girl.

"Enough!" he growled, "Anika, hold your tongue. I will not tolerate your petty quarrels in my class!" "And Jake, control your anger!"

His sea green eyes softened slightly.

"Don't let it consume you."

"How would you know?" Jake hissed.

"I know what it's like to be consumed by it. How powerless you feel a-"




"You may have the whole of Olympus on your side, but you don't fool me. You portray yourself as a strong, fearless, perfect leader yet you are weak.You promised this camp its freedom, yet you couldn't even save your own friends!" he sneered.

The arena fell silent as the surrounding campers waited for the usually calm son Poseidon to react.

Percy on the other hand seemed to be battling some inner demons as he turned away from the fuming boy. Closing his eyes, he began to breath in deeply as he tried to remain calm. His hands were clenched so tight that his knuckles turned white.

"I don't even know why they follow you, your friends i mean...all you seem to do is bring death and misery!"

At the mention of his friends, percy's jaw clenched tightly. Cutting off the growl that tried to escape his lips.

"I mean just look at what happened to Zoë Nightshade-"

That was the final straw for the him.

Lunging forward he leveled his sword at the furious boy, trying to disarm  him.

He successfully hooked the blade and was able to fling it away before he leveled his sword at his throat.

"Never say that again!"

The class remained silent as they stared in fear at him. The usually calm son of Poseidon was a sight to behold when angered. His usual sea green eyes were glowing brightly as they flashed violently. Showing his undoubtable anger and power.

"Class dismissed."

Before he walked away.

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