A loving moment

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Percy POV

I miss them all, not just my mother but all of my friends and family members that i have lost to the wars.

Zoe nightshade lietendant of the Hunters of Artemis, she died at the hand of her father when we went to save her mistress from under the sky.

Ethan Nakamura Son of Nemisis, he died after his 'betrayel' to Kronos in the battle of Manhattan. He fell off Olympus.

Charles Bechendorf son of Hephestus, He died in the explosion that wiped out Luke's ship filled to the brim with monsters heading for New York.

Bianca diangelo daughter of Hades. She died in the land of no rain just like the prophesy said. She died battling a mechanical robot that threatened to kill the rest of the company, in the end it crushed her.

Silena Beauregard daughter of Aphrodite. She died leading the Ares cabin into the fray when they refused to aid the other campers. She took a hit from a Drakon and fell.

Micheal Yew son of Apollo, he died when he went missing after the bridge collapsed in the Battle of Manhatten.

Caster son of Dionysus, twin brother of Pollux. He died from a fatal wound in the arm and a blow to the head in the battle of the Labyrinth.

And lastly Luke Castellen son of Hermes and host to Kronos the Titan of time. He sacrificed himself in order to save Olypmus. He is the true savior.

I still feel responsible for their deaths, and I'm not just talking about my friends deaths, I'm talking about all the demigods that have lost their lives in this war.

Sure I may not of known all of them but I still feel that they need to be recognized for their sacrifices.

I know deep down that  their deaths weren't my fault and that it was the will of the fates that they were to die, but it still hurts.

I breathed in deeply and my head fell back onto my pillow as my eyes fluttered shut.

Nico, Hazel and Frank had just left after they spent the afternoon hanging out and chatting with him about random topics, like has he ever eaten a butterfly, exc.

I was happy to announce that I have never eaten a butterfly although I had to admit to eating a stink bug once by accident. It was a nasty experience that I am not eager to repeat.

I felt myself slowly drifting into the warm embrace of sleep when I heard an all to familiar scream...


I thought as I ripped the blanket off my body and attempted to run to her aid.

Since I am still weak I only succeeded in running into the doorframe and in the process  I nocked all the air out of my lungs.

I leaned heavily against the doorframe for a minute before I stumbled clumsily up the hill towards the Athena cabin.

When I finally got there I ripped open the door with Riptide uncapped and ready in my hand only to see Annabeth looking pale, sitting still and staring at a tiny spider sitting innocently on her leg.

She was shaking. I quickly capped Riptide, grabbed a cup and a piece of paper.
Slowly I slide the paper underneath the spider and slammed the cup over the spider.

Then I gently picked up the paper and cup, and walked outside to release the spider.

When I came back Annabeth was still sitting in the same position. I started to feel dizzy and promptly collapsed.

That seemed to jerk Annabeth out of her trance as she came to kneel beside my head.

"Percy! Can you hear me?" She asked

I nodded. She gave me a gently whack to my chest.

"You idiot! You could of hurt yourself. You're meant to be in bed." She scolded

I smile weakly and she kissed my cheek softly.

"Thank you."

I smiled and she began to help me get to my feet. I leaned heavily on her and we shuffled over to her bed.

She helped me lie down before she pulled a blanket up around me.

"You can stay here until everyone comes back." She said

She then stood up, walked to her desk and sat down. She began to pull out some old blueprints.

I watched her through heavy eyes and I slowly drifted to sleep.

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