Decoding the message

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"I lost everyone that day and now that my adoptive mom has died, it has brought back some unpleasant memories."...

Percy POV

I watched as everyone sat quietly, shock by the news.

Hazel was the first to recover.

"What about your brother and your sister?"

I shook my head.

"I haven't seen them since, I believe they died that night."

Hazel covered her mouth with her hands as tears began to form in her eyes.
Frank pulled his girlfriend closer and hugged her.

I watched her sadly.

Travis then asked:

"What was the phrophecy, Percy?"

"The Sea alone, will follow the trail to the broken plains.
to free the snake wrapped in chains.
Together, defeating the shadow Drakon.
The Phoenix will yield to the silver magician.
Thunder will bow to the lightning retriever and reconcile the the long standing feud.
The four shall unite, to concour the Hunteress.
To ice, venom or thunder
The hunteress shall fall.
After eleven, one more shall be spoken.
But be warned son of the sea, you must beware the wolf."

Everyone looked deep in thought as they tried to decider the message.

"Do you have any idea why it could mean?" Asked Piper

I nodded.

"The sea is obviously me, the phrophecy says that I will travel somewhere far to help someone who will later help me resolve a rival. That's all I'm getting."

I turned to look at my girlfriend for help.


Annabeth looked at me and shook her head.

"Sorry, I have no idea. At first I thought that maybe a child of Zeus, Thalia or Jason would be going with you on this quest but the first line also says you will go alone. So who else would be thunder?"

Everyone looked thoughtful.
Until Conner spoke up.

"Maybe you will meet Thunder later on."

I thought.

"Maybe, but I couldn't be sure. I need to notify the Olympian council. Maybe they can ahead some light."

I made to leave when Annabeth grabbed my hand.

"When will you leave?" She asked

"I will leave tomorrow morning."

She smiled sadly.

"Why is it always you?"

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