Author's Note: Please Read

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Alrighty, let's get to it. The next chapter for this is going to be the ~When You See Him Naked~ chapter, and the next with be ~When You Meet His "Buddy"~ chapter. Those updates won't be coming for a while due to this new story I'm working on.

"A new story? What? Nooo! She must write this story until it's done!" Said some readers Nightmare_Pixie made up.

"Ah, but I'm growing bored... I like original stories more and so I hope you'll read the one I am writing after I put it up her," Said Nightmare_Pixie.

"Uuuuggghhh... What's it even about?" Groaned Nightmare_Pixie's fans that she created for an interesting way to deliver the news of a new story.

"Now, now...  Let's be nice. It is about pirates and such. So will you read it?" Nightmare_Pixie asked, "Since you like my other stories?"

"You have so many unfinished projects!" Nightmare_Pixie's made up fans snapped.

Nightmare_Pixie sighs, "I'm sorry..."

The real fans read this and decide that Nightmare_Pixie is:

a) Crazy

b) A pancake disguised as a human

c) Awesome

d) No Buena (Since I'm a girl... Isn't that how Spanish works?)

e) A jerk because she's not finishing her stories like she should be.

After deciding on one of the above, the real fans choose to:

a) Read her new story

b) Ignore her until she updates the CP Boyfriend Scenarios, Lost Silver, or Found You because that's all she's good for, the good for minimal crap beanhole.

Alright, Some of those may not be your guys' exact feelings but I tried. (T.T) give me some credit! So yeah, I'm making a new story that currently needs a title. (Give me Ideas!)

What's it about? Well hold on, I'll tell you.

It's about Captain Graham, pirate captain with a grudge against the royal family. Following in his father's footsteps, he goes for revenge and the plan goes wrong. Instead of murdering the king, Graham's crew kidnaps Princess Arabella. While Graham is stunningly perfect in appearance and quite charming, he can't get Arabella to fall for him. Perhaps it's because of his relationship with the longtime play-thing, named Esmeralda, he pulled out of the wreckage of a merchant trading ship.

Eventually, Graham develops real feelings for Arabella but by now...

The royal navy is on the hunt for Arabella and Graham has to be ready for the battle, even if it costs him his life.

So yeah, Suggestions for a title is appreciated and please please read it when I put it up here. :)



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