Blue Cookies for Life

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Percy's POV:

A pale, bald, noseless man stands in the darkness. He's wearing a long, dark dress. Why is he wearing a dress?

"I told you to not wear robes." A familiar, hard voice startles me, and I turn to look into the golden eyes of Kronos. Oh, that makes more sense. Not a dress. Robes.

"You can't tell me what to do. I've achieved more than you!" No-nose snaps.

"Oh really?" "Yes really." "Pity, Tom, I would've liked you as an ally."

"Don't call me Tom! That is not my name!" Tom No-nose said. 

"Ah, yes, your self-appointed title, my Lord." Kronos' voice had a jeering edge to it, one I was all too familiar with.

"They are coming." Tom No-nose briskly changed the subject. "We must prepare for war."

"We prepare? Why both of us, Tom? No one knows we have risen, no one knows we will destroy them again. What can the wizards and witches do against me? You should be the one worrying. Do not underestimate the demigods. We must destroy them before they destroy us."

Then Tom No-nose turned, and saw me. "Well, well, well. Who dares face Lord Voldemort?" Oh, his name is Mold-a-Mart. Makes a lot more sense now. Mold-a-Mart pointed a stick at me and shouted, "Abracadabra!" or something like that. A flash of bright green enveloped me...

And I sat straight up, hitting something. "OW, bro, seriously?" Jason muttered, reaching up to gingerly pat his nose.

"What are you doing in my cabin?" I asked, ignoring his complaint. "It's breakfast time, duh."

It took a moment to comprehend what he said, then I realized today was Camp Half-Blood's first-ever Eat Cookies for Breakfast Day.  

I ran out of the cabin screaming, "YEAHHHHH BLUE COOKIES FOR LIFE!!!!"...until I realized I still needed to put on a shirt. Everyone stared at me like, well this doesn't happen everyday. Or maybe they were thinking, Gods he's hot. I really couldn't tell.

I sprinted back to the cabin, grabbed a random shirt, pulled it on, and ran back to the pavilion, where I then realized that I had also forgotten to put on socks and shoes. 

Oh well.

I grabbed a plate and plopped down next to Annabeth, my gorgeous girlfriend, who thankfully did not notice the lack of shoes on my feet. I thought for a moment (like I need to think about what I want) and said, eagerly, "Sally Jackson's legendary blue cookies."

They popped up on my plate, but before I could scarf them down, Annabeth lazily reaches over and plucks three off of my plate. I scowled at her, then gave her my best baby-seal eyes. "Will you pwease give them back? Pwease?" She glanced over, a cookie halfway to her mouth, then sagged in defeat and handed them back. I grinned and was about to pop one in my mouth when an Iris-Message appeared in front of me.

"Eating my prized cookies, Percy? I deserve better treatment after the cookies literally disappeared out of the oven just for someone here." My head whipped up and I stared for a moment, then my face broke out into a huge grin...or as big as it could get with three cookies already shoved in my mouth. 

"MMPPHH!!" I swallowed and tried again. "MOM!"

She laughed and held up a letter. It had a blood-red seal on the back and had her full name on it. I squinted at it through my godsdammed dyslexia and saw: Sally Helga Jackson, 333 Oceanic Drive, in the kitchen. I inwardly smirked at her middle name, then noticed the exact address on the letter. She mouthed, There's one for you too. Swallowing, I wiggled my eyebrows to let her know I understood. I patted my pants to make sure Riptide was in my pocket, then said, "I'll be over in 10." As I cut the connection, someone knocked on the door of my mom's apartment.

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