Ch37 - Wakey wakey

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Isaac's POV

It had been half an hour since the others left to get the beastiary. Derek and I hadn't spoken much after that. He stayed at Liz's side. He sat on the side of his bed while Liz was sleeping in the middle. I have to say that she looked really vulnerable but it was like Derek took it upon himself to watch over her.

He has a thing for her. I'm sure he has.

I went to the kitchen to get some water.

He didn't even disagreed with me when I said it. Well... he gave me a deathly glare. Does that count? It's Derek. He gives everyone a death glare.

I walked back into the room. Derek looked up for a second. When he saw that it was me he went back to staring at Liz.

I wandered over to Peter. He was still unconscious. I checked his pulse. Still alive and no pain.

I began to think. It began at some random stuff I still had to do for school but my mind wandered and ended up with Liz.

"Hey Derek... How did Liz turn?"

"She was bit by Peter."

"When?" I said confused.

There wasn't a logical day it could've happened. I mean I did meet her in the woods but I was actually on my way to Peter when that happened so it couldn't have happened after she left.

"It happened the day after she was kidnapped by Scott and Stiles. I brought her here. I had to run some errands so I left for a few hours. When I got back, she was one of us."

"So... Peter attacked her here? That doesn't make sense. She wasn't scared of this place." I brought in.

Derek was clearly thinking but also came up with nothing. I stared at Liz from a distance. She was hiding so much, why couldn't she just trust someone? How did she turn? Why did she turn? Did Peter just decided to add a new member to his pack or was it some sort of punishment for Derek?

That would've been horrible. Just imagine what would've happened if she'd died because of the bite.

I saw from the corner of my eye some movement. I stared at Peter.


Derek looked up from Liz.

"I think Peter just moved..."

Derek walked over to me and we both stared at Peter. Nothing happened for at least a minute and I could see that Derek began to doubt me. Just when he was about to walk back to Liz, Peter began to cough and sit up.

We both stared at Peter in shock. Peter looked around and saw us staring at him.

"How do you feel?" I asked him wearily.

"Like a truck hit me. So, better." he said serious.

Peter groaned and slowly stood up. "Where are the others?" he questioned.

"They left to get the beastiary almost an hour ago." Oh... I guess I'm not good at guessing the time. "You were out for an hour."

Peter looked surprised at this new information and looked around. His eyes stopped at Liz.

"She's still out." Derek informed Peter.

Peter slowly walked over to Derek's bed. We knew he wasn't in pain anymore but he obviously also didn't have his full strength back yet.

He looked like he was debating something. It took him a minute for him to say something again.

"How many days until the next full moon?"

It wasn't a question I expected and couldn't answer directly. Derek also looked confused but looked at his watch.

"About a week. A little more."

Peter nodded and went back to thinking. What was he thinking about? That it would be Liz's first full moon? Oh god it will be Liz's first full moon. Why didn't I think of that...

Peter walked to the stairs and tiredly climbed them, when he was almost at the top he said "Wake me when there's progress." and with that he left us.

We both stared at the stairs for a few more seconds and eventually let it with that. Derek sat back on his old spot next to Liz while I sat on the couch.

"Do you have an idea what he was thinking about?" I asked Derek eventually.

"No. But I don't like where this could be going."

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