Ch32 - Professional opinion

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Liz's POV

I heard people talking next to my bed. Why were there people talking next to my bed? Can't they see that I'm sleeping? Can't they just fuck off and talk somewher-

A wave of pain hit me and everything came back to me. I cringed and held my stomach. The talking subsided. I slowly opened my eyes and saw a middle aged woman with brown curly hair looking at me.

"Are you okay?" She asked me with some sort of professional concerned expression.

"No." I managed to say "Who are you exactly?"

"She's my mom." Scott explained. "She's a nurse."

"Where does it hurt?" she asked me. 

I suddenly noticed that she was wearing an hospital uniform and that Scott and Stiles were behind her.

"Everywhere." I answered with a tiny laugh but I quickly regretted it since my body immediately protested.

"So not just around the wound?" She asked and went in to touch it.

I tried to get away from her hand but she didn't notice it and I was too late. Her fingertips slowly brushed over the wound and I screamed out in pain. It was the worst. I would describe it as it being slowly cut out by a burning hot dull knife but I think that this was even worse than that.

Scott's mom quickly removed her hand but it took some time for the pain to subside. I stopped screaming and laid back down in the position I was in before. I pulled my knees up and hid my face. A single tear left my eye but I quickly wiped it on my knee before anyone could see it.

I heard two new heartbeats enter the room.

"What happened?" Isaac asked.

I peeked over my knees and saw everyone looking at me. Isaac and Allison were also in the room.

"Don't touch... the wound... please." I said with a very pathetic voice.

Scott rushed over to take some pain away while his mom tried to get any info on what was going on with me. Both of them did not succeed to my standards.

Scott took some of my pain but not nearly enough for me to actually be able to get comfortable. Scott's mom determined that there was definitely some sort of poison in my system but that it wasn't anything she'd seen before.

"But she'll make it right?" Allison said sounding hopeful.

"I don't know." Scott's mom answered.

"I'm not dying." I stated. 

They all looked at me like I'd lost it.

"Death has a smell right?" I said. I wanted to continue my explanation but another pain wave hit me.

Scott approached me and sniffed. "She's right."

As soon as I was able to talk again I resumed.

"I think this... is a mind game... How much... pain... can you take... before you... commit suicide?"

Stiles's eyes widened. "You're not gonna kill yourself." he stated strictly.

"Actually..." Isaac began.

TREASON! From now on he's on my dead pool.

"She already tried to... do it."

They all went silent and stared at me. I let my hair fall in front of my eyes and focused on anything but their stares. I hated to be in the middle of attention anyway. Good or bad.

Suddenly Isaac's phone started to ring. It was a nice distraction and they all looked up. Isaac answered and put it on speaker.

"It's Derek. We need... a little help over here."

"What's happened?" Scott asked.

"Peter's been hit."

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