Ch49 - Damage control

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"What happened here?" Peter said as he walked in. Both me and Derek were bleeding badly. I managed to rip out some pins and stab Derek with them at one point. I smiled wickedly as Derek began to explain.

Peter looked at me and said something about a troublemaker. He completely ignored me after that and informed Derek. Oliver had been captured but it was too dangerous to move him so they'd locked him up in one of the other werewolf basements in town. The others would stay with him to make sure that Oliver wouldn't get out.

The rest of the night was spend on me trying to escape or just glaring at them.

At 5 AM I gave up. My body was way too tired to fight. I was hurt and had no energy left. I slowly crawled to one of the chairs I was tied to and leaned against the train. I felt my eyelids getting heavier by the second. I was so tired. I could still kill them after I slept right? And with that thought, I gave in and fell asleep.


I burning sensation in my wrist woke me up. I quickly tried to get my hand back but Derek held it firmly. He got the pins out one by one and began to unlock my ankles. 

I looked at my wrists. They began to heal, but slowly. I heard my stomach rumble and decided to ignore it.

"Hungry?" Derek guessed after he unlocked me.

"It's not that bad."

"We'd better find some food before you starve."

"Pff I won't starve." I huffed.

"What? You're saying that you're immortal?" he replied sarcastically.

"A person can live up to 20 to 40 days without food. I won't starve yet."

I looked at our clothes. They were all bloody and ripped up. "Damn. I didn't know that being a werewolf was so expensive." I whispered to myself.

I heard Derek laugh silently. "No money for clothes?"

"No money in general."

I yawned. "What time is it?"

"Around 7... maybe 8. You managed to keep up for quite some time. Most werewolves give up around 3 AM."

I grinned and looked down. I knew I hadn't killed anyone. I tried to kill... well, basically everyone but didn't succeed. "What about Oliver? Did he managed to kill anyone?"

"No. Once they'd caught him, he wasn't a threat anymore. He didn't break free or got even close to hurting anyone." Derek looked up at me. "Not like you."

"Yeah sorry." I said while looking away.

"No harm done."

Well, nothing that can't heal anyway. I sat up straight and felt the cut in my shoulder. Wait... why hasn't it healed yet? The cut on my leg was also still there.

"It was from an alpha." Derek explained when he saw me inspecting my wounds. "They take longer to heal. Especially..." he got some food "When you don't eat."

I grinned and took it. Derek stared at me while I ate it and took the seat across from me.

"You should give Oliver a second chance." He said out of the blue. "He doesn't know your back story so you shouldn't blame him for saying those things."

"I don't like him because he's a whiny bitch." I said. When I looked up at Derek I instantly groaned. My mind had already made a decision. "But fine. I'll give him a chance." But just because Derek asked me.


I ended up getting a ride from Derek to Stiles's house. When I got there, Stiles, Scott, Allison and Lydia were waiting.

"Uh... Hi." I said awkwardly when I saw them standing around the kitchen table.

They greeted me but wasted no time with firing their questions. The full moon was over so I had no excuse anymore.

This was gonna be uncomfortable.

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