Ch54 - Chris

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We nodded and all went our separate ways. It took me a little effort to find the scent and get back on track but found it way faster than normal.

The trail led through the forest, away from Derek and Peter. After 10 minutes I heard other heartbeats approach. I sniffed the air to see if I could find out who. It smelled familiar but I couldn't remember from who.

I ran over a hill and saw three people standing there. Isaac and Oliver were discussing tactics while one middle aged guy immediately spotted me. He wore all black clothes and had blond short hair. As soon as he saw me he raised his gun and aimed for my heart.

I tensed up and held my hands up. Isaac and Oliver noticed me and quickly began to talk the guy out of shooting me. He lowered his gun but I saw that he wasn't happy with me.

Who was this guy? Why was he mad at me for no reason?

"Where are the others?" Isaac asked me.

"We found a scent but we had to split up. My scent led here."

I noticed that all of them were focusing on the conversation. I heard the wind move some leaves behind me. I decided to focus on my surrounding instead of the conversation since none of them were doing that.

The wind moved some leaves and made some noise. You could hear some tiny animals running around. But that was it. Nothing suspicious..



"What do you think?"


Isaac groaned. "Weren't you listening? I said, do you think that we should-" 

I heard the pounding of feet on the ground and saw something in the corner of my eye. I quickly turned around and saw the Lorem thing charging for Oliver. 

Without thinking about it I growled and pushed Oliver away. The thing slashed my shoulder. Our theory was proven correctly when it just began to hurt like a normal wound. The Lorem kept it's focus on Oliver.

"Howl!" I yelled at Isaac since he'd probably done it before.



Isaac let out a howl which made me instantly more alert by everything around me. The Lorem tried to charge for Oliver again but both me and Isaac pushed it out of the way. It never changed eye color. They kept being their normal green ones.

When both Peter and Derek showed up the Lorem knew it's defeat and quickly dashed away before we could do anything. I made a little mental note that it really focuses on one target at the time. It hadn't even looked at me, Isaac or that other guy. It just kept going for Oliver.

"You were right." Peter said grim. "That is a Lorem." 

"So what's our plan?"

"I've an idea." the guy said. "She" he said pointing at me "Lures the thing in one of the old houses. We surround the house with mountain ash but leave one piece open. She'll dash through the house and we'll close the circle after she's out, trapping that Lorem thing inside."

I saw that Derek was gonna object so I quickly said "I'll do it." 

We immediately split up in a few groups after that. The guy said that he was gonna call Allison to meet up at the house and Isaac left with Oliver to get the others. I stayed back with Derek to think of ways to attract the Lorem.

"So I've got a question." I said when we were alone. "Who was that guy?"

"He's a werewolf hunter and Allison's dad."

"If he's a hunter... then why isn't he shooting us?"

Maybe that's why he didn't like me.

"Allison made him get a new code. They used to hunt all of us, now they only hunt werewolves that kill people for fun."

"Wait Allison is a hunter?"

"Yes and Lydia is a banshee."

I stared at him. "Uh... What's a banshee?"

"It's someone who can predict death."

"Oh... And what is mountain ash?" I asked still confused.

Derek laughed and explained it. "So you agreed to the plan of a stranger without knowing what would happen?"

"Well you guys seemed to trust him and I know I can do my part."

"You should be more careful." he said softly.


"People die quicker in the supernatural world."

"Only if they underestimate their opponent or overestimate themselves."

Now let's capture this thing.

Blue eyes [Teen wolf/Derek Hale]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin