Ch56 - Secrets can kill you

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Derek's POV

I saw Liz running into the house with the Lorem behind her. It looked like everything was going according to plan since she had enough space between her and the Lorem.

Not long after she disappeared from my sight, people began to shout. I could hear Stiles and Allison shouting and knew that something went wrong. I saw Peter running from his hiding spot and I followed him to the place of the shouting.

When we walked around the corner we saw something that something was wrong. Chris was pointing his gun at Stiles who in his turn showed his hands and walked away from the circle.

I quickly looked around but there was no trace of Liz.

Where was she? She had enough time to get out without the Lorem catching up to her.

"DAD! LIZ IS MY FRIEND! YOU CAN'T JUST LOCK HER IN THERE!" Allison screamed at her father.

He did what? I felt myself getting really angry.

"You did what?!" I spat at him.

"She wasn't right! Her eyes are blue at her age? I'm protecting humankind by locking her in there." He yelled back.

I felt that even Peter was getting worked up. He stepped dangerously close to Chris.

"Are you saying that you locked one of my more useful pack members in there with a creature capable of tearing her apart?" He said dangerously.

"Yes and I'm not stupid. You can't break the circle alone."

"Don't tempt me." Peter said while his eyes started to glow red.

"What do you mean?" Scott interfered. "Her eyes aren't blue."

"She has killed someone at her age and it doesn't look like she feels remorse for it. She's better off dead."

Everyone began to look at Peter and me since we would probably know if her eyes were blue.

"Yes her eyes are blue. But that's not a reason to lock her in there." Peter stated.

That did not got taken well. The others were instantly distracted by this new information and I saw that none of them was trying to break the circle anymore.

I was gonna say something in Liz's favor until we heard a window shatter. We looked up and saw her fighting the Lorem. The scent of blood filled the air.

We needed to hurry up.

There is only one way I can get them to hurry up. I'm sorry, Liz. I would've kept your secret but this is really a situation in which I need to tell them.

"Her eyes are blue because of her family." I stated. It got everyone's attention and I explained.

I told them everything they needed to know with enough details to get them to break the circle but also short enough for us to still have time to save Liz.

When I was done talking, Chris had lowered his gun and Stiles sprinted to the line. As soon as he broke it I rushed in.

The last time I saw them was on the second floor. I turned left to the stairs and skipped 2 steps at the time.

I smelled Liz's blood and began to run harder.

As soon as I saw an open door, I stopped myself in the opening. I saw the Lorem hovering over Liz while she was bleeding badly. She was still putting up a fight but it was clear who was winning this fight.

I growled in the door opening up the Lorem didn't even notice me. I ran up to him and clawed at his back. Three huge gashes appeared on his back and it turned around to see what did it.

When it noticed me and the others standing behind him, he knew what kind of fight it would be. His eyes changed from red to green and he turned around.

"No!" Scott yelled but it was too late. The Lorem stepped on Liz, who slightly winced, and jumped out of the broken window.

I saw Peter and Chris running after it since they stayed outside.

"Go after it!" I said quickly.

"But Liz." Stiles said as he looked at her.

"I got her. Just go!"

They nodded and ran off. I looked at Liz. She was bleeding even worse than I'd imagined when I entered the room.

She had a little stream of blood on the side of her head which was caused by a piece of glass still stuck in it. She had multiple deep gashes on her arm, leg and one on her side which were bleeding and she had some scratches.

She was hanging against the wall under the window and groaned. "Why doesn't it heal?"

"It's from a Lorem. A creature that's specialized in killing werewolves. I think it has some tricks to keep you bleeding."

She groaned again and tried to sit a little bit more up. She immediately gritted her teeth and slumped back down. I rushed to her side. But the only thing I could do was get the shard of glass from her head. She gritted her teeth again but didn't make a sound when I pulled the glass out.

"I'm sorry Liz." I said quietly. "I had to tell them in order to break the circle. I told them about your past."

"I trusted you with my secret and I trust that you've said it because you felt like they needed to know." She said.

I sighed relieved. I didn't think that she would get mad at me but apparently I was still holding my breath when I told her. I did share her secret with everyone and I don't even know if I'd get mad if someone did that to me.

"Hey... Derek?" She said while blinking a couple of times. "I think... That I'm gonna... Pass out soon."

"It's okay. I've got you."

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