Ch75 - Not smart

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Before I could react, I was flying through the room. My shoulder hit the wall and I heard my bones protest with the amount of force. I quickly got on my legs before Derek could do that again. I knew that my shoulder wasn't broken but it did hurt like hell. 

I should've seen it coming. She would go all girly when you'd punch her randomly. She would get all defensive and start whining. She first needs to be shown what it's like to train with us. And Derek needs to fight me to show her.

Don't worry Derek. I know your plan.

I saw Emberly gasp and debate whether or not to step into this fight.

Tss, like I'm gonna let you take my opponent!

I ran to Derek with my goal to take him down. I had a plan though. Unlike my first few attempts I'd tried during my training, I wasn't gonna charge at him in one straight line. It was not practical and easily foreseeable. My new tactic was to sneakily head to the table Emberly couldn't get over and jump on top of him. It should be enough to at least create an opening.

I did as I'd planned. Instead of charging straight at him, I made it seem like I did but instead headed to the corner of the table. Emberly was freaking out at this point. She had no idea what was going on and she looked absolutely terrified.

Derek waited for me to get closer. Which was bad. That means that if I screw up, I'm back at the wall again with a few new bruises. 

At the last second I jumped up the table. I grinned slightly as I saw Derek's confusion. Without hesitating I tried to claw at Derek but even if I managed to startle him, it wasn't enough to bring him down. 

He redirected my claws to the side and all I manged to hit was the side of his arm, which had a tiny drip of blood welling up. As for me, it didn't end so well. Because I was already in the air, I fell on the ground behind Derek. 

Emberly gasped and began to hover her hands in the air as if she wanted us to stop. She still doesn't get it, does she?

My side ached as I quickly rolled on my back to stand up. This time Derek attacked first. His punch was directed at my shoulder but I managed to step aside at the last second, causing him to stumble forward. 

Without any space or time to spare, I took the opening and headbutted Derek. I felt the warm blood coming out of my nose as I looked at Derek. He easily recovered from it. 

Before he'd completely recovered, I wanted to punch him again so that I'd be able to pin him down. I stepped forward but my balance got completely thrown off by Emberly smashing into my side.


I got back on my feet with the intention of getting some pay back. Why would she help Derek? He's already way better than me.

Emberly froze on the spot as soon as she saw my expression. 

"Uh..." she managed to stumble as I got ready to pounce her.

Blue eyes [Teen wolf/Derek Hale]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora