"You have an advantage, you knew what you were doing, I didn't" I try slowly move my body round on it's side, but the pain seems to get harsher. I wince in pain.

"Are you kidding?" His eyebrows hit the roof. He helps me get my body comfortable on its side but the pain is just as bad. "I thought I knew what I was doing until well, I saw you and then my mind went blank and I went into a fumbling mess" He laughs nervously.

I stare at him in awh, every time I think I can't fall more in love with him, he proves me wrong. "I love you" I kiss his cheek.

He smiles, " I love you too"


When we finally manage to get downstairs everyone is preparing for tonight. I smile with excitement.

Today is New Years Eve so all the decorations are going up. I'm never excited for New Year, every year I've stayed at home whilst everyone has gone out. Always went to bed early and never made any resolutions.

This year is different. I sneak off to my new favourite place, the roof. I notice there's a chair here now, meaning someone else also likes to be up here as well.

I sit down in the deckchair, the roof is pretty run down. There was once a pool up here, that's covered up now and a little bar, but that's closed. I think they had to shut it down for health and safety reasons.

It's really a shame, it's so beautiful up here, the view is incredible.

I start with my list of appreciations like I've been doing for the last few days. It's amazing how it works. "I see I have a visitor today" A deep voice makes me jump.

I turn around to see the life guard. "Oh I-I'm sorry" I jump to my feet, embarrassment oozing from me. "It's okay darlin, you can stay" His smile is warm and friendly.

His eyes sparkle, just like they did the other day at the bar. "I like to come here on my breaks. Clear my head" He sits on the floor next to me, lighting up a cigarette. He offers me one but I decline sitting back down.

"I used to love it up here when the pool was open" He smiles into the distance, his eyes in memory.

"I like it up here too, it helps me" I mumble quietly. "I know what you mean" He meets my eyes. His gaze is so strong, it's like he understands completely without me having to say anything.

"You look just like your father" He breaks the eye contact with a chuckle, "Same eyes and everything" He smiles.

I blush, saying I look like my dad is always something I love to here. It always makes me feel connected to him, like he'll always be a part of me. "So tell me, what is a beautiful young girl doing up here? What's on your mind?" The ora around this man is so comforting.

"Your mind can be a dangerous place, everyday since I've been here I've come to do my little exercises to help me" I smile, thinking of Louise. His curly hair shines in the sun as he takes a drag. "What kind of exercises?"

"Breathing ones, speaking ones. Thing's that help with my anxiety" I smile. He nods, understanding. "You're right, the mind is the most vicious place you can be sometimes" He frowns. "Life isn't nice sometimes, isn't fair" He flicks his cigarette away.

"I saw you the other day, your boyfriend looked rather panicked. He said you fainted" His tanned arms rest on his knees. His red uniform bright in the sun. "I had a panic attack" I shrug.

"Someone gave me some great advice once" He nods, "He said whenever you feel anxious, don't panic" He must see the confusion on my face because he carries on. "What I mean is, don't fight it. It makes it a hundred times worse. Just say to yourself 'I'm feeling anxious right now, but it's okay' and it will fade away" He nods.

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