3. His family will hate him

4. His management hates him and drops him

5. He decides he hates me and leaves

6. He leaves

I guess my worst fear was that he would just leave one day. I could save myself from getting attached and getting hurt when he left if I didn't get involved at all. 

But that was so wrong. I couldn't keep him from his own kid just because of my own insecurity.

The next morning, I woke up to a few texts from Shawn. I wasn't looking forward to meeting his family and his manager, just because I was afraid of how they'd look at me. I also didn't think at all about what Shawn had told me. 

The reason I didn't is because I already had my answer. I had this deep feeling that Shawn's only reason for wanting to get together was because I was pregnant and he felt bad. That's the thing though, you don't get with someone just because they're pregnant. The relationship ends before it can start, or it's just filled with endless arguing because you're not truly in love. 

Hopefully, he'd understand where I was coming from. 

baby daddy: I'll pick you up in an hour and we can get some breakfast and then we'll head to my parents

me: oh joy lol, see u soon 

I texted him Imogen's address and apartment number and got up to start getting ready. I couldn't even hide the fact that I was nervous. What were his parents gonna think of me?

I'm sure they imagined the day Shawn would bring a girl home and introduce her as his sweet and loving girlfriend. Definitely not bring a girl home and say, "Hey, this was my one night stand, I accidentally got her pregnant, hope you don't mind." 

mom: immy said you ran in to Mendes last night? call when you can love you

me: meeting up w him now, ill call when I get home love you too

I was standing in the kitchen, drinking a glass of water, waiting for Shawn when I had that feeling that I had grown to freaking hate. I calmly set my glass down on the counter and walked towards the bathroom and sat right next to the toilet waiting for everything to come up. 

I was in the midst of throwing my guts up, thanks to the child growing in me, when I heard Imogen's voice followed by another. I assumed it was Casey, I prayed it was Casey but that was not the case. 

"Imogen, don't let him in here." I said, sighing as Shawn stepped into the bathroom. 

He sat directly next to me, pulling my hair into his hand as he rubbed my back, "I told you, I'm here for it all." 

"Stop, this is so ugly. Please, go." I sighed, resting my head in my hands. 

"It's life." He replied and sat with me until I felt like I had thrown up every organ in my body. 

I re brushed my teeth and tied my hair up, and we were off to his parents where I'd meet his parents and manager. I was more scared of the manager part than I was of the parents part. When you hear manager you automatically think of someone scary. 

"Did you tell them anything?" I asked. 

"No, just that I had a problem and I was bringing you over." 

"Great, now they're just gonna assume I'm a problem, which I am." I said, slouching down in the chair. 

"I don't know why you think you're a problem. I want you in my life, but you just keep trying to bail on me." He said, glancing over at me. 

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