the reunion

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liked by imogenvoss, hollyevans, beccaadams and 613 more

samaracavelli   currently on a plane rn to see @imogenvoss so here's a throwback to her bachelorette party, photo creds to that one Toronto boy

imogenvoss   s has great photo skills , you look cute

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"What is so urgent that you just got on a plane and decided to come up here." Imogen asked as she opened her apartment door.

"It's summer, so you know.. I just wanted to come see you." I told her.

"I know, but this was so sudden, Fal. What's going on?" She asked, pulling me into a hug.

"I don't know how to say this." I said pulling away from her

"What's wrong?" She sat next to me, a very concerning look on her face.

"I haven't told anyone. I don't know how." I said, my hands began to shake. It was so easy for me to ignore this, but now I was at a point where I couldn't. I nearly felt an anxiety attack come on but I managed to stop it.

"I mean you've barely been posting on Instagram and that's how I know something's wrong, so please be honest, what the hell is going?" She was upset now and that made me upset.

I hadn't even told myself out loud in the mirror how was I supposed to tell Imogen. She'd be so disappointed. I'm disappointed in myself. Don't even get me started on my parents. I'm supposed to be their perfect angel child.

I just couldn't hide it anymore. It was impossible.

"I, um-" I took a deep breath, tears starting to fall from my eyes. This was it. The sooner I say it out loud, the easier it would be for me to accept the fact that this was happening.

"You can tell me anything, you know that." She said, wiping my tears as she put her hands on my cheeks.

"I'm pregnant."

She didn't say anything she just stood up and paced a few moments before turning to look at me. "It's Shawn's isn't it?" She said, quietly and I nodded.

"What do I do? How the hell am I supposed to do this on my own? I just turned 20 and Shawn- Shawn's not an option. I can't. I can't do it." I was in full on mental breakdown mode. "How am I supposed to tell mom and dad, they're gonna disown me."

"Momma and dad would never. They love you." She said, sitting back down next to me. "You're not alone, Falyn."

"How did I let this happen? I'm such an idiot, my god, I knew I should have never gone home with him. I knew all we were gonna do was sleep together and now look." I was full blown sobbing, to the point where I couldn't even catch my breath.

"You are not alone." Imogen wrapped her arms around me, holding me tightly against her chest.

"This kid isn't gonna have a dad, Imogen. I can't be a single parent." I said, through broken breaths.

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