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PROMPT: You and Hermione are best friends.


"Oi! [Y/N]! Get your fat ass back here!"

The voice followed by a series of explosions, started to be distant as I run further with a grin spread on my lips. Sweat started to bead down my face and my breathing became ragged. My hair whipped in the air as I started to head down a little island where a lone tree stood. I checked my watch,

2:30 pm

Right on time to meet my-

"[Y/N]...what the bloody hell happened?"

ever supporting and loving-

"Oh my Merlin, what did you do now?!"


"Tsk, I swear if you'll get detention again I'm going to whoop you into the afterlife!"


I heaved as I sat down beside her under the tree. Enjoying the tranquility of our secret place. I leaned my head on the tree trunk trying to catch my breath, ugh I hate running.

Then I felt a flick on my forehead, not painful but enough for me to shoot my eyes open.



"...Okay, okay. But they had it coming!"

Hermione sighed, she placed her book on her lap and pinched the bridge of her nose, completely exasperated by my antics.

"You can't just expect me to leave them alone after what they did to that poor First year!"

Hermione groaned once more,

"By what? putting *Pooper Bombs in their bags?"

I laughed hysterically, I remembered their faces vividly. I laughed so hard tears started sprouting from the corner of my eyes.


Because of my obnoxious laughter, Hermione started to laugh too. I don't know which she found funnier though, the thing I pulled off or my laugh.

Probably the latter.

We both erupted in laughter, our problems forgotten as we bask in the sound of our joy.

I was the one first to stop laughing, then came Hermione second. She looked at me and I looked at her. I stared into her brown eyes, falling deeper and deeper the longer I stare.

Then suddenly I fished my wand from my pocket and whispered a spell that could stop time, the one that I mastered with every inch of my soul. The one spell I treasured dear.

Just then, Hermione stopped moving. I focused on her solely. Her features, her eyes....her nose...lips... her everything.

Then I lifted my hand and caressed her cheek. I slowly moved towards her and kissed her forehead. A tear dropped from my eye. This is crazy but I had to get these things of my chest. To let her go..

My heart thumped wildly as I leaned my head on Hermione's.

I pulled away then, I  went back to my former position. But before I could reverse the spell, I whispered to the sky while closing my eyes,

"I love you, Hermione. But I bet you don't know that."

With sad eyes, I knew I couldn't stay in this moment forever, no matter how much I wish to, so I took my wand-

what the SHIT


I searched frantically for my wand, tears welling in my eyes again. If I can't find my wand time will stop for her and I'll be the only one-

Oh dear, I checked the tree, my skirt, my uniform, the lake... I'm so screwed-

A soft laugh cut me off. A laugh very very familiar to me. I looked beside me, in horror there was Hermione, laughing her socks off, with my wand in her hand.

I froze in my place.

Does that mean she......

Oh damn

I stood up abruptly,


She eyed me before she stood up and kissed me.


I melted in her touch. Her scent drove me crazy her plump lips got me intoxicated, I love her so much, but does she?

We pulled away, catching our breaths.

"Believe me, I knew. I just waited for the perfect time."

She giggled.

My face flushed red, my stomach filled with butterflies.

I looked at her once more, before re attaching our lips.

Lucky I'm in love with my best friend.

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