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PROMPT: Hermione and Harry are having a competition over you.


There she is, [Y/N] [L/N]. She entered the classroom as beautiful as usual.

"Late again, Ms. [L/N]?" The professor looked up from her attendance sheet. The [H/C] haired girl could only smile, but probably kicking herself mentally for sleeping in late again.

The Hufflepuffs are having this class with the Gryffindors which is a dream come true for Harry since he has been eyeing this certain Hufflepuff girl.

"Take a seat next Mr. Potter and take out your notebook because we'll have a new topic to talk about today."

[Y/N] nodded her head and walked to the seat next to Harry. As she sat down, Harry couldn't help but blush uncontrollably when [Y/N] smiled at him.

She took out her leather-bound notebook, her quill, and ink. To her right is Harry and to her left is Hermione. Harry's attention is far from the discussion.

By this time, [Y/N] is now listening attentively to the blabbing of the teacher, odd enough she seems to be very interested.

Harry would give her a glance every now and then, it was completely obvious that he has taken a liking to her. Hermione on the other hand was writing her notes down. But unfortunately, in the middle of her note-taking, she ran out of ink.

She sighed to herself and groaned inwardly. Looking around the classroom looking for someone to help her with her crisis. She mentally scolded herself for forgetting to buy new supplies.

Beside her, she saw [Y/N]. Her heart skipped a beat. [Y/N]'s silk-like hair is slicked back neatly, her [E/C] orbs grazing the book she held between her [S/C] colored hands. Her perfectly shaped nose, her feline-like eyes, her soft plump lips.

Hermione is under her spell and she didn't even need Amortentia to know that she's head over heels for her.

[Y/N] felt eyes on her, she looked up and saw Hermione which quickly pretended to take notes. [Y/N] smiled at her, she indeed was a piece of art. Hermione dipped her quill in her ink bottle, but soon realized why she looked around the classroom the first hand.

She furrowed her perfectly shaped brows and turned to [Y/N].

"Um...Hi there!" came the voice of Hermione, cheeks reddening. [Y/N] looked at the brunette,

"Hi, is there anything I can help you with?" The [H/C] haired girl inquired.

Hermione saw the glare Harry sent her, she shrugged it off and continued to converse with the beauty.

"Do you..by any chance have an u-um extra ink that I can borrow? I forgot to buy new ones." By now, Hermione's blood rushed to her face.

'Cute'  [Y/N] thought. She slightly smiled trying hard to hide her squeal because of the poofy haired girl's adorableness,

"Ahh...Yes, I do have, here."

She fished out two ink bottles inside her bag. She gave both to Hermione,

"You can have them." Her [S/C] hands reached out for Hermione's. The other girl's eyes widened, those were the most expensive inks in the shops. And probably the best ones too,

"What?! I can't have them, they're yours! Plus..those are the most expensive ones in the market." Her voice slightly wavered.

[Y/N] though, insisted.

"It's okay, I have tons of these anyways."

Hermione couldn't believe what she was hearing. Is [Y/N] an angel? She's perfect!

Hermione took them from her hands and took note of how her hands are soft. Tempting Hermione to hold them, as Hermione was stuck in la-la land, Harry is burning with jealousy.

-time skip-

Time flew by, the bell rang. After a whole period of blushing, smiling, and glaring, it all went well.

Lunchtime came around and the students started to flood the dining hall. Each student sitting with their housemates. [Y/N] sat on her house, Hufflepuff.

Laughing and talking with her friends here and there. On the other hand, two Gryffindors won't stop stealing glances from her. Hermione and Harry.

Ronald Weasley being the oblivious one in the golden trio, could care less about Harry and Hermione's exchanging of glares.

The two sat together, closer than before.

"She's mine, so back off Harry!"

The brunette girl warned, poison-laced in her voice. Harry in return scoffed and took a sip of his pumpkin juice.

"As if! I saw her first, so she's mine!"

The young boy's hands turned into fists. His knuckles turning white, Hermione rolled her eyes. Tired of the immature argument, the puffy haired girl suggested

"You know what, let's make her choose for herself. I mean, she knows who's better off with her." Her eyes glinted under the sun as she sent a hard glare to Harry.

Ron was munching down on his mashed potatoes and a pile of roasted chicken. He heard the ruckus,

"What's the matter, you guys?" He asked with his mouth full of food.

Hermione looked at him disgusted,

"Nothing that concerns you, Ronald."

He frowned at the girl's not so welcoming remark. He turned to Harry with his brows raised, signifying he's asking the same question.

But all that can be heard from the ebony-haired teen was a short "Nothing". Ron dejectedly nod and continued to eat.

The two youngsters looked at each other, Harry was the first one to speak up,

"F-Fine then!" He exclaimed lamely.

But still held the same determination to win [Y/N]. Hermione smirked at him,

"Aww.... is wittle Hawwy stuttewing because he knows he doesn't have a chance?" She erupted in giggles.

Harry clearly irritated said,

"I'm not! I'm going to win [Y/N]'s heart and there's nothing you can do about it." He glared threateningly to the opposite.

Hermione's eyes burned with determination,

"We'll see, Potter."

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