Preference [4]

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PROMPT: You adopt a pet.

◎ It all began because of you, you are a huge animal lover and you saw this awkwardly cute tortoise perched on your stairs, you had no idea where on Merlin's magical beard it came from.

◎ At first you didn't have an idea what to do with it then you called Hermione.

◎ Her brows were furrowed in confusion as if asking you how the hELL DID YOU GET A TORTOISE IN THE APARTMENT.

◎ But you shrugged it off and cradled the smol bean.

◎ "Isn't he cute, honey?"

◎ "Uh..yes?"

◎ You often baby talk the tortoise while feeding him strawberries. They are his favourite.

◎ "Awww, look at my cute wittle Dexter eating his stwabewies~" then you'd butterfly kiss the tortoise's head.

◎ "Can I get one too if I eat the strawberries?"

◎ Hermione, as days passed, grew a little jealous of....yes, a tortoise.

◎ "[Y/N] why don't you cuddle with me anymore?" She would whine throwing her hands up exasperated at the fact you barely acknowledge her with your kisses anymore.

◎ "Love, I can literally smell your jealousy~" you'd tease while petting the beady eyed turtle.

◎ She would bury her face in the pillow and groan out a muffled, "I'm not jealous!

◎ You often laugh it out but then you'd kiss her at the back of her neck and whisper something that would lead into something with, two hot bodies together, clothes on the floor, loud....noises and one lonely tortoise in an empty aquarium.

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